Chapter 92

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(A/n A few things to clear up: I haven't updated in a while because my phone deleted many apps and they weren't re-installing so I'm on my old Hudl which had the same problem but works again 😂 Also, I have the chapters leading up to 100 planned out! Thank you for your suggestions though! The 100th chapter will have a long ending, I will mention and shout out everyone who's supported me and commented and voted! There won't be a book 2 as I'll be starting a new book not to do with Jizzie, but there will be a very long epilogue that you can enjoy! You can also re-read this book if you dare, I know it's rubbish 😂😂 And just a disclaimer, this book is not 'proffesional' nor a proper book, as there's many chapters that are quite short and it's just me writing my ideas to create a massive unrealistic life for Jizzie😀)

Head in assembly= As you all know, there was a big fire a couple weeks ago. The school was repaired swiftly, lucky for you guys, and with only a couple weeks left of the school year, you'll all be working at the standard expectations. No slacking off! Now, this fire was a big deal. Whoever started it must tell us by the end of the day, and if not we'll be getting the police involved. Feel free to come to us if you know who started it.

Lizzie glares at Tia who's shaking violently. She looks as pale as a ghost.

Head= Go to class now, and come to us today if you're guilty. This is a serious matter.

The hall scatters, and people chat wildly as they head to the next lesson.

L= You have to own up.

T= No, and don't snitch.

L= I could've died!!

T= (gulps) Well I saved you so you save me from this by not telling anyone!

Just then, the moody teacher who gave Lizzie isolation strided past, giving Lizzie the devil eye.

L= Strange.

Moody teacher's POV

The strict teacher (Mrs Maltime) walked to the head's office. She had information that he might want to know.

MrsM= I had given Elizabeth isolation for misbehaving in detention. The fire was identified to have started by the isolation door. I think she has something to do with it.

Head= Why would she start a fire when there's a massive risk of trapping herself?

MrsM= To make it look like she's innocent!

Head= Hmmm. Thank you. I'll take this into account.

Just as Mrs Maltime left, another teacher came in.

Teacher= It was 5th period and my mischievous student, Tia, wasn't in lesson. This could mean she started the fire.

Head= Hmm. Thank you. Did she have any detentions before that?

Teacher= I'm not sure, but I think Mrs Maltime gave her one the day before. She was apparently shouted at in detention by another student. It could've been an act of anger.

Head= Maybe. I'll have to enquire her.

A few mins later...

Head on speakers= Could Elizabeth and Tia leave their lessons and come to my office.

They both slowly walked there, nerves running through their bodies.

Head= It has been brought to my attention that you two could've started the fire. One of you is guilty. And we're finding out right now. Who did it?

Tears sprinted down Tia's eyes. Lizzie's heart was beating fast. Should she tell on Tia? Or look guilty by staying silent?

Head= Well???!

Silence. You could hear a pin drop.

Head= If you tell me now, the punishment will be less severe than if you get found out by the POLICE!


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