Chapter 47

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(A/n sorry this has come out a bit late! Xx)

Lizzie's POV

Lizzie and Joel sit on the couch and snuggle, with tea and breakfast by their side. They hear Buddy eating ferociously from the kitchen.

L= I hope Yammy will forgive me. Well, you.

J= You are the one who told me, I couldn't resist telling Kyle! Sorry.

L= Yea, you should be (rolls eyes)

J= We fight a lot these days.

L= (Faces goes red) why did u need to mention that. (moves away from Joel a bit)

J= I don't know, it's just the truth.

L= Well keep the truth to yourself. We're fine. Everyone fights!

J= Okay, okay! I was just mentio-

L= Stop! I don't care! You didn't need to mention it!

J= This is exactly what I mean! We're fighting again!

L= (goes quiet)

Lizzie gets up and rushes off to the bedroom, trying not to cry. Joel starts to feel bad, and sits on the couch in regret as Lizzie stomps upstairs.

The day passes, and they don't talk again. Then, Joel decides to do something about it.

He notices that Lizzie is still in the bedroom, but asleep on the double bed.

J= (lies next to her) (gently moves her hair out of her face)

L= (wakes up) Joel, get off of me.

J= I just wanted to say sorry. I was a jerk down there.

L= You can say that again.

J= (rolls onto back) Remember when those men attacked us, and we were in hospital. And when you fell in the lake after escaping from hospital again! And you drowned but I saved you in time. It all seems like a fantasy. It doesn't seem real. That's something to tell the kids when we are older!

L= Um. What kids?

J= (goes red) Uh nevermind..

The two sit up, and Lizzie forgives Joel. They start thinking about the party and ask Lauren (via text) what time it is.

J= I've found out that it's today at 7pm.

L= Today!?

J= Yeah... We should get ready.

L= I found out Yammy's coming. We just need her to forgive us - I mean you.

J= Hey!

L= Cmon! It's 5pm, We need to get ready.

Lizzie fumbles in her wardrobe, looking for a perfect outfit. She finds a blue-sequined, short and tight dress with sparkly white high-heels.

L= Oooooo, this outfit looks snazzzzzyy!

She tries it on, and puts in some dangly earrings and a black chocker that has with a silver star on it. Lizzie goes to the mirror and does a fishtail braid in her hair, and wisks it up into a bun with the rest of her hair. She does her makeup, including a lot of highlighter to make her face sparkle.

Joel, on the other hand, puts on a T-shirt with black jeans. He wears black boots and combs his hair.

Lizzie walks to Joel and stops right in front of him.

J= (speechless) (gazing at her) L-l- Lizzie! Wo- wow you look amazing!

L= Thank you! And you too. (Kisses on the cheek) 

They arrive at the venue (Lauren's house) and stand outside. They can hear music blasting from the windows, and cans of monster and other drinks are scattered everywhere. They both enter through the door, and are welcomed by a drunk dude, holding many cans and dancing weirdly. Lizzie and Joel make their way through the crowd of many people, and finally find Lauren.

L= Lauren! I didn't know there would be this many people!

Lau= Me neither! People just started showing up! Woooo HAPPY NEW YEAR PEEPS!!!!!

J= Ooookay, let's sit down..

They make their way to the sofa, but it's already taken up by two lovers snogging. Lizzie could make out who they were..


J= What!

Y= Heyyyyyyyyy we just chillinggggg

K= Yeaa this party is epic! And girl Yammy be lookin fine!

L= I thought you two were fighting?

K= Huhhhh??

J= (shouts over music to Lizzie) they're drunk! They've forgotten everything!

L= Oh no, alcohol! That isn't good for the baby!

L= Yammy, don't drink anything else okay? For the baby!

Y= Whatevaaaaaaa

L= This isn't good! Look there's Callum!

J= Callum! Over here!

Callum stumbles over to the pair, and is holding beer. His hair is ruffled, and he looks unstable.

L= You okay?

C= You guys need to relax! It's NEW YEAR WOWOWIOOOOOOOOOO!

J= Everyone is drunk...

C= Let me get you folks a drink, stay there..

L= This is so not good! I'm not getting drunk! There's a bunch of random people here drunk in Laurens house. And what are her parents going to think when they see this?

J= Lizzie, I hate to say this, but I agree with Callum. We need to relax!

L= Fine. But just a few drinks. I'm not getting drunk.

They get many drinks, more than sober Lizzie would've wanted. They started joining in dancing, and gulped down one drink after another.

L= Joely this is grreeaaaaattt!

J= I know right! Woooooooooooeeooowoeo

They dance like mad hatters, and Lizzie's bun falls out. Her hair springs with the beat, and she looks fabulous. Drunk, but fabulous.

J= Liz wanna go upstairs? The musiccc is wayyyyy too loud here! Unless you want another drink!

L= Les go upstairs then!!!

They stumble upstairs, and find a spare bedroom, with no one there. Joel closes the door and the loud music becomes faded. He turns around and they start kissing, which becomes more passionate. They spy the bed and you know what happens.... (A/n Lol)

Lizzie and Joel wake up, it's the morning and they don't recognise the room....

L= (sits up) JOEL! WAKE UP! We are still at Lauren's!

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