Chapter 29

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A/n Feeling kind and writing another one :)

Joel's POV

After the fiasco with Jemma, Joel decided to leave school and visit Lizzie. He ran to the hospital and made it there in two minutes. While panting, he entered the hospital. He found that it was unusually quiet. He walked up to the counter and asked for Lizzie's room number. They replied, saying she escaped and is being chased. Joel couldn't believe his ears and asked where she was being chased. After hearing the answer, he sprinted as fast as he could towards the woods. He made his way to the lake to see many doctors and nurses crowding around the stream.

J= Where's Lizzie!?

D+N= She's gone! And uh we think she fell into the lake... We have called for the police and ambulance.

J= You do realise there's a current! And a waterfall! And she can't swim! She could be falling down it right now!

Joel panicks and without thinking, he takes his top off and dives into the lake, swimming with the current.

D+N= You stupid boy!

Their shouts become faded as he drifts in the lake, hearing the roaring and splashing of the waterfall getting nearer.

J= I'm coming for you, Lizzie.

Lizzie's POV

Lizzie finds herself falling down the colossal waterfall, with the bubbling and raging of the water booming in her ears. Her screams could not be heard, as the waterfall was mightier and stronger, and definitely louder. Finally, Lizzie hits the bottom. All the anger, sorrow and tension suddenly disappears. Instead, in comes pain. A thousand daggers punch into Lizzie's skin and the suddenly, peace. The circle of water is peaceful, and Lizzie slowly sinks to the bottom of it, her life flashing before her eyes. She reaches the water bottom. Tiny pebbles and water creatures surround her. Silence. Peace....

Joel's POV

It was Joel's turn, and he flows down the vast waterfall, shouting through his teeth. He too, hits the harsh surface of the water. Expect he doesn't sink, peace doesn't come for him. He swims around, biting through the aftermath of the landing.


His head dips under the water, but all he can see brown dust, or dirt. It floats through the water, blinding any possible sight of anything underneath. Joel spots another draft of anger from the waterfall. Yes, this was a circle of water, but another smaller waterfall lead from it, dropping down further. Joel suddenly assumes she was  carried down there. He swims and falls, this time it doesn't hurt. Joel sighs, reaching the full bottom of the beastly waterfall. He ducks his head under, and this water is the same, dirty. Joel decides to feel the lake bottom, and try to find Lizzie. Little did he know, he was looking in the wrong place. He can't find her at all, and he starts crying quietly. Joel suddenly thinks, 'Maybe she didn't even fall in here?' Joel's hopes hang on, but he decides he feel around again.

Lizzie's POV

The peace of the water settles Lizzie's body. She feels relaxed. Happy. Her body slowly drifts over to the current. And then her peacefulness fades, and the rapids pull her towards utter invasion. Her happiness and joy being destroyed as she is dumped down to the final level of the waterfall.

Joel's POV

Joel hears a faded splash from above, and darts up out of the water. His heart starts pumping. He is so close to finding her... But will he?

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