Chapter 54

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Joel and Lizzie walk out the door to the fresh air. The afternoon sky is calm, but no clouds are seen, just a mild grey colour.

J= Hey, at least it's not raining.

L= Yep (giggles)

They get a taxi to take them to the GoApe site. After an hour, they reach their destination, and pay the driver a lot of money.

J= Thank you!

Driver= Whatever (says grumpily) (drives off)

L= Charming

J= Definitely (laughs)

They get their gear on, and go through a half an hour safety guide with a worker. After what seemed like a century to them, they finally got to go on the course.

L= I'm scared Joel.

J= You'll be fine, just take a step onto the plank, and you'll be fine.

Lizzie looks down below. Many people are ahead of her, breezing through the course.

L= We're so high up. (Says breathlessly)

J= Yes, and that's the experience of it. Just look ahead of you, and take a step. You can do it.

L= J- Joel I can't! (Starts breathing fast)

J= You can. Believe in yourself. When you're on, you'll be whizzing through it. And there's an amazing zipline at the end!

L= Joel I'M TOO SCARED! (Breathes quickly and loudly) (heart fiercely pounds in chest)

J= Close your eyes. Think about our first kiss, uhhh and when you died, and I saved you. Think of happy things, like the secret garden and my presence.

Lizzie closes her eyes. She thinks about everything Joel mentioned, a mix of thoughts and feelings floods her memory... she takes a big step onto the plank ahead of her.

J= Woooooo!

L= (breathing goes back to normal and sighs in amazement) I did it!

J= Okay, I'll be behind you. Now if you're still a bit nervous, then take it slo-

Lizzie runs down the plank and onto swinging steps, many many metres in the air. She runs onto each one, laughing with enjoyment as she does so.

J= Or not.

It takes them an hour of excitement to reach the last part of the course; the zipline.

J= You ready?

L= Yes (smiles)

They both take a deep breath, and let themselves fall off the platform. Lizzie whizzes through the relaxing air, her hair blowing in the wind behind her. The view is amazing. They see hundreds of tall trees surrounding them. A ray of sun shines through the leaves.

J= (shouts) Haven't seen that in a long time!

L= Yeah! (Shouts back)

They zoom past a field of fresh, green grass where many flowers are trying to grow. 

L= This is beautiful!

They embrace every last second of the zipline, until it stops as they reach the bottom. An instructor unhooks them from the line, and takes their gear off.

L= That was amazing, thank you Joel.

J= Anything for you, Lizzie.

They get a taxi back home, where Joel starts to pack his bag for school.

Lizzie stares at him, wishing she could go back, dying to see all her friends.

L= I'll miss you.

J= Me too, school will be dull without you. I'll see you after school though.

She looks down, sad.

J= Hey, try not to get too lonely on your own. Buddy will keep you company.

L= (chuckles) I'm sure he will.

The night comes, as Joel and Lizzie get in bed together.

L= Hey, don't have too much fun without me.

J= I won't without you. School will be boring.

L= Good night.

J= Good night Liz.

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