Chapter 70

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WOWOOWOWOWOWOOWOOW! I cannot believe this fanfic has reached 10k! Thank you to everyone who has voted and read xx - Almost forgot: I apologise for not updating in a week again. My exams/assessments have finished so I should be posting regularly now.

The engines started to roar drastically. Lizzie's heart was in her throat. She recollected the dream. Joel had music on. Lizzie did everything she could to not match the nightmare. She turned her head to Joel. He was putting in his earphones.


J= Woah, calm down. Why?

L= (takes deep breath) Nothing just erm want to play cards with you?

J= Oh okay. Wait till we get up in the sky, then we can.

L= K just wait.

Lizzie gripped Joel's hand. They were quite sweaty and her heart was beating fast.

J= Lizzie it's okay. Nothing's going to happen!

L= Don't jinx it!

J= Okay I'll keep my mouth shut. (pulls Lizzie closer and snuggles)

Lizzie feels a not calmer in Joel's arms. She breathes in his aftershave and nestles her head on his arm. But, she still had the feeling in nerves about crashing. The plane was edging towards the runway- it was nearly time. The dream kept flashing in her head. The plane started racing down the runway. Her heart started beating viciously and sent her body shaking. The plane was nearly in the air. She was sweating even more. Lizzie started saying goodbyes in her head. The plane was tilting up. Joel stroked the top of her head. Lizzie held her breath. The plane lifted into the sky. Lizzie felt the horror of her body burning, and how that might actually happen any second. She breathed loudly and deeply. The plane ascended. The plane reached the furthest height. Lizzie gripped Joel tight. Pressure built up and up and up inside of her and she was about to cry... 'DING!' Lizzie jumped out of her skin and screamed. Other's stared at her in disgust. It was just the seatbelt sign. Lizzie sighed in relief.

J= What's up with you!?

L= Nothing... Just....

Lizzie's head spins. All that pressure made her feel dizzy... Her sight went black.

J= Lizzie?? Lizzie!

Many blurred faces hovered above Lizzie. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. An ice pack was being pressed on her head and many flight crew were surrounding the two seats with Joel and Lizzie in.

Attendant= Are you okay young lady?

L= Uhh yeah I think so.

The flight crew gave them free drinks and snacks and carried on selling food for the journey.

J= What happened? You were passed out for an hour!

L= There's something I didn't tell you.

J= LIZZIE! What didn't you tell me?

L= I had a dream about you listening to music and me getting worried and the plane crashing and my sight went black.

J= You should've told me! That's why you didn't want me listening to music!

L= I guess the black part was me passing out.

Joel hugs Lizzie and they play cards the rest of the journey. Lizzie dozes off and wakes up to Joel whispering her name.

J= Lizzie. (Whispers softly)

L= (wakes up) Hm?

J= We are here (points outside the window)

Lizzie turns her head and stared at the view. The vast ocean met the shore line, diddy palm trees were dotted around, there were houses with pools and a massive hotel.

J= That's our hotel (smiles)

L= It looks amazing!!

Jizzie ~ SparkWhere stories live. Discover now