Chapter 42

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Lizzie's POV

Lizzie stared at the headteacher, utter confusion hung on her face.

L= Excuse me?

Hm= What? Get packing!

L= Why am I excluded? Wha- What have I done?

Hm= Well, um Yammy said you put something to make her sick in her water and uh Tia witnessed it! Now get moving.

L= I was trying to help Yammy! Not make her sick! I can't help she has pregnancy illnesses. (Gasps)

Hm= What did you just say?

L= Um, nothing..

Hm= Your saying that Yammy... Is pregnant?

L= (face starts to glow red) Um

Hm= I don't believe you. Just another story to keep you in school. Get out immediately.

By now, a vast crowd of people had gathered to listen to the argument. They were chanting all sorts like "Sassy Mr Darren!" Or "Lizzie whacha gonna do about it?" Some of then booed and whistled which didn't help Lizzie at all. She couldn't think of anything to give evidence that she was innocent. Again, more people booed and she grabbed her things in fury, tears rolling down her embarrassed face. She took one last look at the crowd of immature students and saw Joel, pushing through to see what was happening. Lizzie ran out of the doors as the headteacher started to send everyone to class in the background.

Joel's POV

After break, Joel walked to class and gathered the courage to tell Kyle about everything. Coincidentally, Kyle sat right next to Joel in this current lesson.

While class was beginning, Joel kept glancing at Kyle, wondering whether telling him was really a good idea or not. Kyle saw him staring, and started to get very annoyed.

K= Can you stop staring? What's your problem?!

J= Erm well I have something to tell you about Yammy.

K= I know she's annoyed that I broke up with her and that I'm hanging out with other girls. She needs a chill pill!

J= Well, you see. There's a massive reason that she's sad and angry about this...

K= And what exactly is that? (Rolls eyes)

J= She's pregnant and you're the dad!


Suddenly, there's a loud noise of chanting in the distance. Everyone in the class joins a crowd and Joel pushes to the front to see what's happening.

All he sees is Lizzie's locker door, hanging open, and a glance of pink hair, faded from last time he saw it.....

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