Chapter 96

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It had been three days after Lizzie's request. She slowly strapped herself into a car seat as Joel started the engine. They shared a smile as they took off.

L= We could call it fluffy! Or caramel!

J= Isn't that like calling a baby smooth or pale?

L= Ummmmm

J= Exactly! We should give it a proper name

L= Like what?

J= I don't know... Happy?

L= (mimicks Joel's voice) Isn't that like calling a baby gloomy?

J= (looks at Lizzie while driving) Haha sooooo fun-


A deer suddenly appeared in the road, causing Joel to swerve the car immediately. They span round and round, and the car stopped as it bashed against a thick tree.

L= JOEL!? Are you okay?

Joel nodded, speechless from what just happened.

L= That was close. I think the car's okay.

Joel finally found words.

J= I'll go check

He stepped out and observed the car, while in the corner of his eye he spotted the deer leap back into the woods. He gave Lizzie a thumbs up and quietly climbed back inside the car.

J= We're okay! Now let's go to the shelter.

They drove off and soon arrived at the shelter. Many cheerful children and their parents were walking out of the shelter, with new puppies yapping in their arms.

L= Awwwwwww!! I want one!

J= That's why we're here (chuckles)

They gallop inside, Lizzie eager to see the dogs. 

Worker= Hello! I believe you're here to adopt a dog?

J= Yes

Worker= Perfect! I'll show you the dogs and you can see which one you'd like! Or which two! Or three!

J= Just one today (laughs)

Worker= Follow me!

Lizzie's eyes lit up so much you could almost see little hearts in her them. She was staring at 5 puppies, playing together and yapping their hearts out.

L= Joel look at that one! It's so merry!

J= Merry!

L= Yeah that's what I said

J= No, I mean we should call the dog merry!

L= With that spelling?

J= Hmm maybe M- E- R- I?

L= Perfect!

Worker= Cute! Would you like the one you've already named (chuckles)

L= Yes thank you

She takes Meri out of the pen and hands her to Lizzie and Joel.

Worker= So, Meri is a girl only 4 months old and is very playful!

L= She so light! I love her. We would like to adopt this one?

Lizzie glances at Joel, and he nods happily back.

Worker= Great! I'll get the paperwork!

The worker runs off and Lizzie suddenly frowns.

J= What's wrong?

L= We don't have any stuff at home for her

J= We'll get some on the way back.

A couple of minutes later, they were on their way to a pet store.

L= We need a bed, food, toys, toys she can destroy, a food and water bowl, a dog paddling pool-

J= A dog paddling pool!?

L= We might need it! And a lead and -

J= I know what we need Liz

L= Sorry I'm just so excited!

They end up buying a very soft bed, a pink lead, a big food and water pool, a mini dog pool for summer, and many many toys. When they arrive home, Buddy comes sprinting up to Lizzie, put quickly pounces backwards when seeing Meri.

Buddy= (Hisssssss growllll)

L= Buddy! It's your new sister!

J= I don't think he likes her.

L= Buddy will get used to her.

J= Maybe we should show our subscribers our new dog

L= Perfect, I'll just fill up the bowl.

An hour later, Lizzie and Joel are talking to the camera, with Buddy relaxing on the chair next to them and Meri playing with a toy behind them on their bed.

L= So this is our new dog Meri!

After they finished the video, Lizzie checked her sub count.

L= Joel! I've hit three million!

J= Congrats!

They share a kiss and celebrate with their pets in delight.

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