Chapter 98

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(A/n Not including this story, there's only 2 chapters and one epilogue left!)

J= Lizzie (whispers)

Lizzie rolls over tiredly and slowly opens her eyes to see Joel staring back at her.

L= What? (Runs eyes)

J= Get up and ready

L= Why? It's only  - (checks time) 8am!

J= Just get ready to go for a walk

L= With Meri?

J= No, she's staying at home.

L= What's the point then (groans)

J= Please just get up and meet me downstairs when you're ready

Joel quickly slides on some jeans and a top, and combs his hair neatly. He then grabs something off of the drawers before Lizzie could see. Then, he skips downstairs and turns on the news as he waits.

L= (in head) I really can't be bothered to get ready.... I guess I'll do it anyway (groans out loud)

She puts on some dark blue jeans and a summery top, and brushes her hair, doing a side parting. She puts on a bit of makeup and brushes her teeth, wondering why they're going on a walk anyway. After half an hour of Joel waiting, he sees Lizzie walking downstairs.

J= (stands up) Ready?

L= Let me just get my shoes on (sighs)

Buddy= Meeeeowowww

J= Bye Buddy!

Joel opens the door and fresh air hits him in the face. Birds singing merrily flew through the atmosphere, waking everybody up.

L= Where we walking to?

J= Just follow me

They walk for quite a while, and reach a place filled with colourful flowers that cover grassy fields. They find themselves walking by a river, which its water is like glass, silently sitting there and so clear you could see the bottom. The sun was already shining hot rays on them and it was a perfect morning.

L= This is beautiful! (Kisses Joel)

J= Let's go to a restaurant for lunch, would you like that?

L= Yes! I'm being spoiled today!

They enter a cool restaurant and order their meals. Lizzie spots a couple snogging.

L= Joel, they should get a room

J= Definitely

Just then, another boy walks in and sees them, he starts shouting at the girl and throws his drink at the other boy.

L= Oooooo I think she cheated on him!

J= (laughs) Let's go before we get involved.

They leave and find a private place, surrounded by pink trees and a fountain which was sprinkling gleaming drops of water. Joel looked a bit nervous and started shaking a bit.

L= Are you okay?

J= (clears throat) I'm perfectly fine, infact, I have something for you... (Hands shakily grab a small box and open it to reveal a gorgeous ring that sparkled in the sunlight)

L= (gasps)

Joel gets down on one knee and says the most beautiful speech, which leaves Lizzie in tears of joy.

J= ..Will you marry me?

There's a small pause and Joel's heart skips a beat.

L= OF COURSE! (kisses and cries in happiness)

They share a romantic moment and smile at each other, both teary eyed.

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