Chapter 30

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A/n I'm writing this on my computer (yes I write this story on my phone XD) so sorry if it looks different. Also, I seem to be updating more recently so I am going to try and do 4-5 chapters every week. Tell me what you think about that, would be appreciated!

Joel's POV

Joel started splashing around vigorously, trying to find the love of his life. The massive 'splash' he heard seemed to have happened by the rapid waterfall. Joel dunked under to the bottom, right under where the water was flowing into. He held his breath for as long as he could, and was about to give up when he felt a small weight pushing his hands down. Startled, Joel swam up with the weight in his hands, until he reached the surface. Right in his arms, Joel stared at the pink hair, and beamed with happiness. He had saved Lizzie!... Or had he? He shook her but there was no movement. He tried again, and again, and again. Salty tears ran down his face as he put his head to her chest. There was no sign of movement in her body... or in other words, her heart had stopped beating. Joel screamed out in anger and dragged her body to the hard, and soggy ground. Shaking with fear, Joel climbed out and started performing CPR. He tried, again, and again, and again. Nothing happened.


Joel stared into the sky, cussing and punching the ground, not baring to look at her. His voice faded and was drowned out by the vast monster, that made Lizzie's heart stopped. Suddenly, a few seconds later, Lizzie started coughing and choking up water.

J= LIZZIE! OMG! LIZZIE I HATE YOU. HOW COULD YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT? (pulls her into a hug, holding her for what seemed like a century.

L= You saved my life Joel

J= I know, and I love you so much.

L= (shivers) you too (coughs)

J= We need to get you back to your normal temperature, and warm you up.

L= We need to get back-

J= To my house, yes. I'll carry you there, I don't mind.

L= Thank you (smiles)

J= No problem.

Joel carries Lizzie through the forest, avoiding the hospital behead. They headed around as Lizzie lay her head on Joel's shoulder. He walked around a corner after ten minutes of walking, and came to an alley way. The same alley way that put them both in hospital. Joel edged down the creepy path, looking out for anyone shady. He saw a man that looked homeless who was laying in a couple of old blankets, wearing some rags you could maybe call clothing.

Homeless man= Hm

Hm= Hey, you two.

J= (ducks head and tried to walk past)

L= (pretends to be asleep)

Hm= (grabs Joel's ankle) I need proper clothing, which you have right there. Give me some. Care for the homeless, right?

J= I need to go-


Joel kicks the man's hand and sprints off.


L= (says to Joel) he's a crazy man.. (shivers)

J= Yep.

They finally arrive at his house and Joel makes Lizzie a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows! Lizzie changes out of her wet jeans and jumper and puts on a tank top. Joel smothers her in blankets and changes into a long-sleeved top with pajama bottoms. They snuggle up and after about an hour, they feel warm again.

L= Thank you for everything Joel, you saved my life.

J= You saved mine.

L= How?

J= Ever since I met you, I felt better, like a part of me had been missing but it was found when I first saw you. I didn't know at the time, but I realised you were the most amazing and beautiful girl ever. I love you, Lizzie.

L= I love you t-

Joel kisses Lizzie, and this magical moment held for about ten seconds. Afterwards, they smile and Lizzie rests her head on Joel. They make a strong bond that gives them a warm and happy presence...

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