Chapter 56

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Lizzie woke up. It was 10am. She got out of bed and looked around the bare room. In the corner of her eyes, she spied a note on the cabinet.
It said:

Dear Lizzie,

I'm sorry for talking about Jemma. The thing is, she has changed! I need you to believe that. Also, I'm pretty sure she's in love with this new boy named Scott. Maybe you should text her and see how much nicer she's gotten - made you some pancakes with strawberries and raspberries.

Lizzie's tired eyes stare at the note.

L= Yeh I'm totally sure she's changed.

She sighs and goes downstairs to eat her pancakes. They taste delicious- but she still decides to hold a grudge against Joel. Lizzie walks upstairs and throws on a jumper with jeans, and ties her hair up in a quick bobble. She exits the house, locking the door behind her. Lizzie wanders over to the place she introduced Joel to. The place she was going to try and fix. Her feet take her to the rusty bench that she was going to try and re-paint. She sits down and relaxes. Her emotions start flooding towards her mouth, building up with pressure inside...

L= URGHHHH! Why does my life suck!

Suddenly, she hears a small giggle. Her pink head peers round the corner to see Joel coming!... With Jemma.

L= What? (Whispers)

She curiously perches behind a bush, and looks through the gaps with one ocean-blue eye.

They're holding hands, and sit on the bench.

J= Yeah so this is the secret garden. It looks amazing in the spring. You mustn't tell anyone about it.

Jem= I'm sure I won't Joely.

L= Joely?? (Thinks in head)

Jem= So when can we be a thing?

J= Jemma I'm with Lizzie.

Jem= So, break up with her.

L= (to self) If he says-

J= I could (smiles)

Jem= Oooo why do you agree?

J= Well she's annoying and we always fight.

Jem= And what about me?

J= You're perfect.

Jem= So break up with her??

J= We'll see

L= (to self) how could Joel do this (tears form in eyes)

Jem= Wanna come mine tonight? (Grins)

J= Again, we'll see.

Jem= I love you Joel. I knew you'd be the one when you helped me on the bus.

J= Oh yeah, I remember that (smiles)

Jem= Do you love me too?

J= Well-

Jemma suddenly kisses Joel deeply, and Joel doesn't pull away. It seems magical to him... It lasts for 6 seconds.

J= I love you too.

Lizzie feels the rage rushing through her veins. Millions of tears stream down her pale face. She turns and runs home. A couple hours later, Joel returns home. He strides in happily but his smile turns to a frown when he sees Lizzie staring at him with tears in her eyes.

J= Liz! Are you okay?


J= Huh?


J= (starts to stutter) L-liz I don't know what you're talking about (gulps)

L= Drop the act. I saw you two kiss. Just go and live with her and go enjoy you're romantic time at her house tonight, and don't worry, I'm saving you from dumping me. We're over. (Grabs packed bags) (walks to the door)

J= Lizzie, please, I didn't mean any of that to happen. And where are you going??

L= A care home. There's no where else. Enjoy you're Jemma time. Goodbye.

J= Liz-

L= LEAVE ME ALONE! (slams door)

Lizzie walks to the bus stop in anger and sadness. She was going to the police station, who would take her to her care home...

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