Chapter 51

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Lizzie trembles as she takes a couple steps back from her evil dad. He has a grim glare on his face, and is ready to attack.

L= D- dad you can't kill me, I'm your daughter!

D= That didn't stop me the first time!

L= What - wha what do you mean?

D= If only you knew (chuckles)

L= Dad what did you do?? Please stop, you don't want to do this!

D= Oh but I do, and time is running out. So, any last words?

Lizzie's dad has her backed up against the brick wall. She is wedged between a bin and her dad, who is about to strike.

L= What did I ever do to you?

D= Everything!

He strikes, but Lizzie ducks and misses the hammer by an inch. The wailing sirens are coming up the street, and Lizzie's dad only has one last shot at killing Lizzie.

D= Stay still, it won't hurt, promise! (Smiles)

He lifts up the hammer again and is about to swing it viciously when Lizzie kicks him with all her might, and runs down the road.

Lizzie's dad sees that there's a car coming, and he'd just need to push her into it, run off and escape before the police get to him. At the right moment he starts sprinting into the road and pushes Lizzie. The screeching sound of a car veering alarmingly and landing in a tree fills the hectic street. Lizzie's dad peers into the road and sees Lizzie sprawled out on the gritted ground. He runs off while smiling, feeling accomplished but then feels a sharp pain in his back. His eyes start to droop, and he suddenly feels drowsy... He takes a look back to see a policeman before collapsing onto the grass.

Lizzie's POV

Lizzie slowly opens her eyes to see she's in a white room, a familiar one. She's in hospital, and Joel is by her side as well as many other doctors and nurses. He has a massive bruise across his cheek, from where her dad struck him.

L= J-

J= Shh shh shhhhh, you need to get some rest.

L= Wh- what happened?

Nurse= You were attacked by your father and was pushed into the road where a car hit you.

Doctor= You weren't meant to blurt that out!

N= Sorry.

Doctor= Luckily the injuries aren't severe and you'll be free to leave this afternoon.

L= H- ho- how l- long have I b-been here?

J= 4 days. But your safe now (kisses on head)

A couple hours later, the police come to the hospital and share some bad news.

Policeman= Lizzie, you'll have to go to a care home as you have no one to care for you.

J= No! I have been looking after her since her dad left for ages!

L= Yes! Please can I stay with Joel.

Policeman= Hmmm

Nurse= If that's what they've been doing I think-

Policeman= Okay, okay, you can stay together. Just as long as you still go to school and pay bills etc.

L= Yay!

J= Woooo

That afternoon, Lizzie and Joel arrive home, and sit on the couch. Lizzie is wrapped in blankets and they are watching the TV. Joel starts flicking through the channels, when they see one about the incident with Lizzie's dad.

News reporter= A man attempted to kill his 15 year old daughter-

L= I'm 16 (sad face)

And harmed her friend-

J= Boyfriend!

Which led to him being passed out. He also pushed his daughter into the road where a car hit her and she was sent to hospital. This man, who is now in jail, had also killed his other daughter, Maddie. She had mental issues and her father was said to despise her. This led to him trying to kill his other daughter. The police-

Joel turns the TV off. Lizzie is crying into her blanket and all the jigsaw is put together.

J= So that's why he left.

The two sit together, and Lizzie silently sobs to herself, with her family falling to pieces.

Jizzie ~ SparkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ