Chapter 59

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Lizzie stared at the house. The windows were dirty, and there was no curtains. 

L= So um do you clean this place at all?

C= Ah the windows... well the little ones like to mess them up. I cleaned them yesterday but I guess they have been little monsters!!!

L= Do you discipline these children?

C= Yes - uh lets just get inside. 

Caren guides Lizzie to the front door and is greeted by a man. He looked around 30- she assumed he was one of the workers.

C= This is Dan- the main leader.

D= Hey there, I believe you're Lizzie?

L= Yes that's me.

D= Your mother is unable to look after you, your dad is in prison, your sister perished, your full name is Elizabeth D----- and your 16?

Lizzie gazed in astonishment.

L= Um yes... that basically sums my tragic life up.

D= Your birthday is in a couple days! Are you excited?

L= Not really.

Suddenly, there was a loud thud coming from the hall.

C= I'll go see what happened. (walks off)

L= So this place a bit crazy?

D= No, but these kids can be a big nuisance. 

As he said this, a girl with black hair, pale skin and a sharp glare came thudding down the stairs.

Girl= Not another person! This place is already hell.

D= Language Jade.

L= Jade huh.

J= Something wrong with my name? 

L= No it's just... I've heard about you. 

J= Is that so? Well then you should know that you shouldn't talk to me, newbie. Bye. 

L= Charming.

D= Have a look upstairs. You'll know which room is yours.

With hesitation, Lizzie slowly starts walking upstairs, her hands gripped the sticky banisters. She noticed the walls were slightly cream, and that the floors were wooden. She peered down this long corridor and saw many decorated doors. Her feet pounded against the floor as she reached the end door, with a small sign saying Elizabeth on it. 

L= That will definitely be binned.

She opens the door to see a girl, around Lizzie's age, pinning up a board where you can stick pictures on.

L= Hi?

Girl= (turns around) Oh! Hi! I'm Mindy and I'm guessing you're Elizabeth?

L= Lizzie.

M= Oh - ok. 

L= Why are you in my room?

M= I was just decorating it. Miss Wilden told me to.

Lizzie had a confused look on her face.

M= Caren.

L= Ohhhh

M= (giggles) I'm 16 and both my parents died in a car crash when I was young.

L= I'm so sorry.

M= What about you?

L= My dad murdered my sister and is in prison, and my mum is too unstable to look after me.

M= That must be terrible!

L= Wait... if your parents died when you were young, does that mean you've stayed here all your life?

M= Yeah. 

L= How have you survived?

M= This place is nice if you get to know the people. I guess. Anyway, have you met Brody yet?

L= Who's he?

M= His room is a couple doors down. He's 17- and a REAL HOTTY.

L= Does someone have a little crush?

M= No..... a big one! 

L= I'll have to meet him then.

M= Yes! (giggles) Anyway, hope you like your room! Bye! (walks out)

Lizzie looks around the room. Her bed has a white sheet with many patterns. The headboard is a white wood. Next to the bed, is a bed-side table with a small lamp and a clock. The walls are pink and the floor is a white carpet. Also, there is a wardrobe which is empty. 

L= Wow. 

She starts to unpack when Caren comes in...

C= Dinner is soon. I'll call everyone to come down and you can meet the others!

L= Okay! 

About 10 minutes later, Lizzie is sitting on her bed, reading all her notifications. 

You have 6 new messages from Joel.

Lizzie decides to ignore him. She has a new life, hopefully a better one. She didn't have time for old boyfriends like Joel.

C= DINNER IS READY!!!!!!!!!!!

Lizzie groans and walks downstairs. She spies the dining room and truds in to see many children sitting at the table. 

C= Take a seat.

Mindy calls Lizzie next to her. She sits down and a plate of spaghetti sits in front of her.

C= Before we eat - please say hi to our new member... Lizzie!

Boy= Hi

Boy= Hewo

Girl= Hey

M= Hi again

J= Ugh.

Girl= Heyooooooo

Boy= Gaga

Girl= H h hi

Boy= Hi

C= So that's Brody, and Sam, Lacy, Mindy, Jade, Tina, Jaxon, Milly and Tom. 

L= Hi. 

Lizzie focuses on Brody. He is the definition of handsome. He has emerald-green eyes and smooth, tousled ginger hair. He has a warm smile on his face. 

L= (to self) I can tell why Mindy loves him!

Lizzie finds herself gazing into his eyes. Everyone starts eating as she's stuck in a glorious trance. 

D= Lizzie? Lizzie?

Suddenly, she comes back to reality. 

L= Huh??

D= Are you going to eat?

L= Oh .. yeah. (goes bright red) 

J= (laughs) You idiot. 

L= (to self) First meal at this place, and I've already embarrassed myself.

(A/n BTW- I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT JOEL! This is not the end of him XD)

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