Chapter 74

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(A/n I was going to leave this chapter authors-note free butt I just saw that chapter one has 500 READS! OMGGGGGGG!! Thank you everyone for this journey with this story! Before I know it I'll be on chapter 100!)

Lizzie wakes up happily. She was a bit nervous about getting a bad dream, but she didn't!

L= Joel!!!! (shakes)

Joel wakes up feeling alarmed. Lizzie is sitting by him with utter excitement in her smile and gorgeous eyes.

J= Lizzie I didn't know you were so enthusiastic about getting breakfast (looks at clock) It's 6am! Couldn't you have waited an hour to wake me up?

L= JOEL I DIDN'T GET A BAD CRAZY DREAM!!! (squeals in excitement)

J= Woooo I guess you get them from stress

L= Could be! 

J= We still have one hour until breakfast starts, how about we lay in bed and come up with crazy schemes we can play on those two boys!

L= Sounds perfect

*beep beep*

L= Oh that's my phone. 

Lizzie gets her phone and sees a link with her name attached to it.

L= Joel it's a link with my name on it. Should I open it?

J= Hmmmmm my instincts tell me no.... but yeah open it!

L= Okay...

She opens it and she's brought to a page with a picture. It's Yammy, Callum, Kyle, Tiff, Lauren, Oli and Scott in a picture. Next to it says:

HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR HOLIDAY - LOVE THE GANG (I'm the one who'll take the credit- Love ya- Yammy). 

L= Awwww! That's so sweet! Everyone joined together to send best wishes! 

J= Oh yeah we haven't spoke to them in a while. After this holiday we should all meet up!

L= Good idea! Now can we get ready for breakfast and can plan revenge for their revenge for our revenge on them?

J= Uhhhh I have no clue what you just said but sure (laughs)

Lizzie brushes her nearly brown hair and plaits it in French braids. She puts on a sundress that has a kawaii speech bubble with the word 'Watermelon' it it. She also wears some shorts and slips on flip-flops. Joel puts on a plain t-shirt with shorts and also wears men sandals. 

As they walk down, the sun is already reaching through massive windows. The summer's air had already creeped into the hotel and gave it a fresh feeling. 

J= I almost feel sorry for the gang back in England. It's probably raining where they are!

L= Couldn't have said it better myself! 

They go to the dining place where they pick out tasty foods that stack on their plates. Pancakes, tropical fruit, eggs, beans, bacon, croissants, toast, cereal. Everything you could ever want was there, not to mention the selection of drinks. Orange juice, milk, apple juice, tropical juice, hot chocolate, tea, coffee. 

L= Isn't this just the best? I wish we could stay here forever. 

J= It is amazing, but I'm sure one day we'd get sick of the sun and food which we'd be absolutely addicted to and gain tonnes of weight to. 

L= Hmmm I guess you're right...

Just then, in the corner of her eye, Lizzie catches eye-contact with a boy who looks her age, maybe a bit older. He has blonde, ruffled hair and looks friendly. Lizzie can't help but not look away from him, but her stare is interrupted.

J= Look, there are those boys. 

L= Oh... yeah.

J= Revengeeee what are we gonna do?

L= Hmmm I'm not sure.

J= Maybe we should push them into the pool. Finish what they started.

L= Uhh yeah okay.

J= You sure?

L= (Keeps glancing at boy) Yep!

J= Cool. We'll do it in a couple of hours when we go to the pool.

L= Sounds great.

J= You know, this holiday is just what we needed- LIZZIE MOVE!

It's too late. Lizzie finds herself covered in orange juice. Her hair is sticky and her head is soaking wet with a horrible after-smell. Can you guess who was behind it?


Todd= HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH (both walk off)

L= Joel, we are definitely getting revenge today! 

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