Chapter 8

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Joel's POV

J= (feels a nervous tingling in body as Lizzie walks into her house)

Lizzie's POV

D= Why are you home early AGAIN! I'm reporting this to the school. And why the heck ARE YOU WET!

L= Uh I got splashed by a car.

D= With what ?

L= Water

D= It hasn't been raining today! Tell me right this instance.

L= I fell into a lake. There

D= Why were you by a lake!? You should've been in school.


D= (Hits her on the cheek)

L= (sobs and runs out of the house)


L= (runs like her life depends on it)

Lizzie speeds off while her dad followed close behind, running after her. She runs through bushes, over rocks and through other people's  gardens. She comes to a similar place and spots the garden she always goes to, the one she showed Joel.


L= (Lizzie carries on with many tears dripping down her red and bruised cheek)

Lizzie didn't realise the lake was right in front of her, and all of a sudden she found herself falling into the lake.

D= LIZZIE COME BACK (looks at the ground for breath and doesn't see what happens)

L= AHHHHHH (screams)

She goes crushing through the water and can't swim upwards.

L= (gargles) HELP

Her dad finally gets to the lake but can't see Lizzie.

D= Lizzie?

She slowly starts sinking to the bottom... And doesn't have the strength to pull herself upwards...

Joel's POV

Joel turns and trudges off to the beautiful garden which is hidden by many beautiful trees. He sits on the bench and suddenly hears a shout.

J= I wonder what that was...

He keeps hearing shouts and then and massive splash.

J= (heart beats as he looks round to the lake, keeping himself hidden. He sees the same pink hair he keeps seeing everywhere) LIZZIE?

Joel also sees her dad, walking around trying to find her.

J= (without thinking, Joel jumps into the lake and dives under to save her)

Joel pulls her up and brings her onto the fresh grass. Lizzie is unconscious!

J= no no no

He starts performing CPR and Lizzie's eyes open slowly.


L= Joel?

J= Joel brings her into a hug and warms her up.

L= What happened?

A/n Hope you enjoyed :P

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