Chapter 16

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Lizzie's POV

It was finally time to go back to school. Lizzie woke up next in her bed, in the dirty house her dad had left. She wakes up with 10mins until school.

L= (checks watch) 8:30, no no

She throws on a pair of joggy bottoms and a jumper from the small bag and she puts her hair up in a pony tail.

L= (checks watch again) 8:36

Lizzie runs to school and by the time she got there, it was 8:39.

She hears a pair of shoes stand behind her.

M= Well, well, well, look who it is. (Chuckles)

L= (ducks head and walks away)

M= Hey, WAIT. (follows) Joel loves me now...

L= He thinks you're a monster

M= No, you'll see....

Many people crowd around Lizzie and ask her questions.

Someone= Apparently you ran away from home to live in Australia but you fell over and pretended to have a serious injury!

Someone else= Apparently you just wanted attention like you did with Yammy.

Someone other= Apparently you wanted to spend more time with Joel!

L= I was beat up by two men! Jeez guys just leave me alone. Unless you want an autograph.. (Giggles)

The crowd of people stare at her with a disgusted look on their faces.

L= Just a joke....

Then, a boy with the most smooth and shiny hair strided into the school. All the girls stared at him and sprinted over to see if he was ok.



Girl 3= You were sooo brave fighting those men.

L= Joel? Unbelievable. (Frowns)

Then, the monstrous pretty and popular girl walked up to him, her heels clopping on the ground.

M= You were amazing Joel, you saved Lizzie, which was lovely of you. But next time don't waste your breath over someone fake.

J= Thanks Mia (smiles)

M= Wanna hang out at our table at lunch?

J= Sure

Lizzie clenches her fists and starts shaking in anger.

The dreadful day wore on, and lunch time approached. Lizzie saw Joel laughing at Mia's table, along with a couple boys and Yammy. She then spied Lauren and Tiff sitting together and Jess and Callum on a different table. With hesitation, she walked over to their table. (A/n sorry I keep saying ran and walked, I can't think of anything else)

L= Hey guys

T= Lizzie! We missed you so much!

Lau= Yas gurl (fist bumps) how is that arm.

L= Meh.

Lau= Joel is now a toy of Mia, or soon boyfriend.

T= Sorry Lizzie

L= It's ok (lies) he's spiteful anyway.

Lizzie gets up to fill her cup up with juice. Joel approaches to do the same. Finally, Mia spots a moment to make Joel hate Lizzie.

Mia bumps Lizzie hard and Lizzie falls over, her cup filled with juice flying in the air. Everyone around stared at the cup in awe as it made it's way to its victim..Joel. Sticky juice landed on his shirt and in his hair.

J= LIZZIE YOU WITCH! I know you hate me but why this? YOU TRULY ARE EVIL! (stomps off to the toilets)

M= Awh looks like he hates you now, boo hoo

L= You evil bi -

Mia= No, you're the evil one. Now bye bye.

After school, Mia writes down in her dairy:

I finally got some revenge. Now time for more, I'm going to ruin Lizzie's life, starting with Joel......

A/n sorry for being a bit inactive, I will try to post as much as I can!

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