Chapter 46

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Lizzie's POV

Lizzie woke up to the morning, reaching through the window. Frost lay on the windows edges and to streets were again filled with snow. It really had been a white Christmas! Joel lay next to her, snoring in some blankets. Lizzie sat up to see her new kitten, sprawled out on the lounge rug.

L= Aww (smiles and giggles)

She walks into the kitchen and switches the kettle on. Above the noise, Lizzie could hear tiny footsteps sprint into the kitchen. A soft tail wrapped around her leg, and Buddy's head nudged it.

L= Buddy! That tickles!

Buddy carried on for a bit, then sat on the floor, staring at the cupboard.

L= Emm.... Ok?

She brings her and Joel's tea into the living room, and in the kitchen a loud meow could be heard.

L= Buddy! Shhh

J= Huh? (Rubs eyes and sits up) Morning!

L= Morning! Buddy is being a nuisance.

J= I can hear!

Tiny footsteps approach them and Buddy starts meowing and rubbing against their legs.

J= I think he wants food, I'll go do that.

As Joel walks into the kitchen, Buddy instantly follow him.

L= (Rolls eyes and giggles)

Suddenly, Lizzie's phone beeps.

Y= Lizzie can u text back, selfish b*tch. Everything has gone wrong with Kyle now, thanks to u.

L= Sorry! Wasn't me

Y= Look who finally decided to text back! And who was it then?

L= (begins to type Joel)

J= Lizzie would you like a biscuit or some toast? (shouts from the kitchen)


L= It doesn't matter.

Y= It does! Everything has f*cked up now.

L= Sorry!

Y= I might get an abortion. Would help Kyle stop being insane at me.

L= Don't you dare!

Y= Why the hell would u care!? Buh bye.

Joel= (walks in with toast) What's wrong?

L= Yammy's having a go at me.

J= Don't worry, she'll be fine in a couple weeks. By the way, Lauren has planned a new years party for us! U, me, Yammy if she goes, Oli, Callum, Jess, Tiff, Sasha and some others! It's gonna be great!

L= Ok! Maybe Yammy will feel better with a party..

Jizzie ~ SparkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz