Chapter 69

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(A/n First off, I just want to say thank you so much for 9k reads. Thank you to the people in the comments. I haven't been posting because of exams (assessments) which will carry on to next week. After next week, posts will be more regular. Thank you.) 

It was time. Lizzie found herself packing her bags for the holiday. They were leaving for the airport in 1 hour. 

L= Okay so I need underwear, clothes, pyjamas... ummmmmm...... hair brush, hair dryer, snacks.....ummmmm beach wear.......Gosh I am so not ready for this

Joel walks in with his suitcase packed. 

J= Lizzie! You need to hurry up! 

L= I'm sorry! Why are we even going in winter?

J= It's spring soon, and we are going somewhere where it's going to be very hot. Don't worry.

L= Okay, just help me pack.

They both quickly pack and bring their passports. They say one last goodbye to Buddy, who was going to be checked on by Tiffany. Lizzie steps out and drags her suitcase on the cobbly ground, Joel right in front of her. They call a taxi and head to the airport. On the way, Lizzie can't stop thinking about the dream. Well, the nightmare. What if it comes true? What if they die? Should she tell Joel? Lizzie's thoughts swirled through her mind like a tornado. Her palms start to get sweaty and she starts to get tense.

J= You ok Liz?

L= (gulps) Fine. 

J= I can't wait to be relaxing on the beach! You?

L= Yeh it'll be awesome. 

She says this, while in her head she thinks:

L= If we even make it there. 

They finally arrive at the airport. The wind blows in their face as they walk through the doors; they take in the last fresh air before going into the hot and humid airport. People are bustling and shoving each other, tired with boredom waiting to get checked in. 

Lizzie and Joel make it through security, and get rid of their suitcases in the conveyers. Joel takes Lizzie's hand, and smiles as he guides her to the waiting area. 

J= We have 1 and a half hours until we have to board the plane. Want to look in the mini shops? 

L= Sure. (smiles with nerves)

They look around in a jewellery store, and Joel secretly buys Lizzie a bracelet. Lizzie tries different perfume smells, and buys one with the most beautiful smell of fresh flowers. They come across a cafe, and settle themselves with a cup of coffee and some scones. Lizzie slowly eats them, while Joel devours his. He starts to loudly slurp on his coffee.

L= Joell (giggles)

J= Yes? (slurps louder) 

From the corner, a couple glare at him in disgust. 

L= People are staring (laughs)

 J= Hmm I wonder why.. (laughs)

(ANNOUNCER) Number 23 Gate is open. 

J= That's us, better get going

Lizzie finds herself stepping onto a plane that could possibly kill her. And everyone on it. Her and Joel find their seats, and Lizzie anxiously waits, as she recalls the nightmare....

The engines wirred as loud as a thunder storm. She felt the aircraft ascend through the sky, like a bird. The plane glided through the air, which held a terrified Lizzie, and Joel who was listening to music. Suddenly, she felt the plane falling after a large thud. Everyone started screaming and crying, making the once quiet place a hectic one. It fell, down, down, down... The plane crashed with a massive explosion. Lizzie's heart stops and her vision goes black... 

L= Joel, I'm scared. 

J= Don't worry Lizzie, I'm  here with you.

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