Chapter 31

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Word had spread around town... Many reporters had taken doctors and nurses' interviews on the situation about Lizzie. The news boasted with false information about the incident. The event was all everyone was talking about, especially Lizzie and Joel's friends. This is the false news report everyone had seen:

A girl named Elizabeth D**** escaped recently from our local hospital and was chased into a lake by doctors and nurses from that hospital. The young girl fell in as they tried to get her and take her take to the hospital. She supposedly drowned and was found dead by a boy who hasn't yet been located. Our hearts go out to that poor girl.

At the highschool...

Lau= (crying)

T= (sniffling) I've never seen you cry (cries)

Cpk= I can't believe this (sniffling)

Jess= (looks sad)

Y= (sobbing)

M= Wow I actually can't believe she's dead (looks sad)

Jem= She was a bully and got what she deserved....

M= OMG I actually can't believe you just said that. I know I hate her and everything but I'd never wish death upon anybody!

Jem= Oh well..

M= Leave this school. Leave this area. Leave this country! You are a disgrace. EVERYONE! THIS GIRL WHO TRIED TO STEAL JOEL IS HAPPY THAT LIZZIE IS DEAD!

Jem= Bitch got what she deserved!

Everyone= That is wrong!

Headmaster= Jemma, my office. NOW.

A/n A short chapter just showing the schools point of view on 'Lizzie's death'.

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