Chapter 9

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Joel's POV

Joel told Lizzie what had happened and took her to his house.

J= Go dry yourself off, you can crash out here if you want.

L= Ok, thanks.

Lizzie goes upstairs and Joel gets out his computer. He sits on the couch and starts typing.

I might be falling in love with Lizzie. I don't know y and I never thought I would but she seems nicer than u think she is. Maybe popularity just took control. Maybe she is a truly good person...

L= Ugh I can't believe I fell (walks downstairs)

L= Sooo why do you live on your own?

J= I don't know I guess I just wanted experience of living by myself.

L= Oh k

J= So who do you live with.

L= My dad.

J= What happened to..

L= They got divorced.. I don't like talking about it.

J= Sorry (looks at Lizzie) what's that mark on your cheek?

L= Ugh it's nothing.. Just walked into a pole.

J= Tell me the truth - Please

L= My dad

J= You need to report child abuse! You can't let him do that to you!

L= No it's ok

J= No, it's not!!

L= I should get going. Bye (walks out of the door and slams it shut)

J= Lizzie, WAIT!

Lizzie hears Joel in the background as she sprints off. She finds herself in a dark alley as tears dribble down her face. Once again she hears Joel's shouting and she looks back, while she is still walking. Lizzie turns her head to find that she is walking into a pole. For real this time. She doesn't have enough time to stop and she bangs her head on the pole.

L= OUCH! ow ow owww

The alley she is walking down is dark and gloomy, and has a scary atmosphere to it. Just then, she starts to feel dizzy, because of the bump. The world around her starts focusing out of place, like an unfinished jigsaw. Lizzie takes a deep breath and suddenly falls to the floor.

Meanwhile, two shady men walk down the strange alleyway and stop Lizzie on the ground.

Man 1= Look what we have here (hoots)

Man 2= What's this pretty lady doin out here I wonder...

They think she's unconscious, but she's really awake. They get closer and closer to her and were about to kick her but she springs up and punches them. She runs for her life and trips, and she finds herself on the ground once again.

What will happen? Will they get her? Or will a hero come and save Lizzie?

Thx for reading!

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