Chapter 55

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Lizzie's POV

Lizzie learnt many things when being out of school. One was that it was very very boring. The days wore on like they were years. Each morning, she'd get up, feed Buddy, watch TV, record a video, have a shower, watch more TV, have tea, and go to sleep. She seemed to be stuck in a loop.

L= (to self) I never thought I'd say this, but I want to go back to school!

Suddenly, she receives a text from Joel.

J= Jemma is back. Her three months passed quickly :/

Lizzie stares at the text in shock. She forgot all about Jemma, and especially despised her.

L= Well don't talk to her

J= Too late

L= Joel!

Joel got back that afternoon, with a smile on his face.

L= Hi

J= Heyy

L= Why you so happy?

J= Jemma has turned nice! She's not like she was before. Three months taught her something, maybe it'll teach you -

L= What! Teach me? And SHE is definitely NOT nice. Have you seen the comment she left on my video?? She's a devil and always will be.

J= She really has changed! She's nice and shy like she used to be.

L= She is not!

J= How would you know? You got excluded for hurting Yammy.

L= I DID NOT HURT YAMMY!!! And Jemma will never be nice. She's a B*TCH!

J= She isn't!!! She's the old Jemma (smiles and then turns to a frown) the old Jemma you bullied.

L= Why the heck are you taking her side? NEWSFLASH: She bullies ME! And if she's the old Jemma, that means you fancy her. You had a massive crush on her so you must have one now!

J= Liz-

L= NO! Just side with her!! Cuz she's the victim right?? Uh, NO! She's evil and you know it- except you have a crush on her!

J= I don't -

Lizzie storms upstairs and slams the door shut behind her. She feels hot tears running down her rosy cheeks like a waterfall. Her anger takes control. Her shaking hands flip the double bed over, and rip many photos of the two off of the old wall. She drops to the floor, and lands on the mattress which is lying on the wooden floor. Her body lies there, and she regrets everything she had just done.


It was Lizzie's birthday. She sat at the table, with dull colours surrounding her. No one except her dad was singing happy birthday to her. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at a gloop of mixture you could barely call a cake. Her dad reveals a shining knife which gleamed in the sunlight. He has a grin on his face. Lizzie backs away in her chair, as Lizzie's dad plays with the knife. He then points it and it reflects something terrifying. Joel and Jemma kissing, with their party hats falling off. They turn and look at Lizzie, and join her father. All three have knives, and start walking closer and closer and closer.....


Lizzie takes fast breaths as she looks at her surroundings. She is lying in the mattress sheets, in the same room.

L= It was just a dream, just a dream. It was just a dream! Well.. a nightmare.

She gets up, and peers down stairs. She sees Joel wrapped up in blankets, sleeping on the sofa.

L= Oh, the fight.

Lizzie goes back upstairs and wonders what time is is. She checks her phone time - 03:27

L= Sh*t! I should go back to sleep.

Her tired eyes stare at the messy room. Lizzie decides to clean it up, and smooths the photos of her and Joel down and places them in a pile on the bedside table. She turns the bed back over, and re-makes it. Finally, she tucks herself in bed and drifts off, into a deep sleep.

A/n So sorry I haven't been posting. I haven't got many ideas so give myself time to think of things that would make an interesting story for you guys. I'm also trying hard to stick to my story description XD At least we have Lizzie's birthday approaching!!!....

Jizzie ~ SparkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora