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Jennifer's POV.

"Jen!" I heard my name being yelled. It was Leah. "What is it? Hold on!" I was getting water from the kitchen, just getting ready to go to bed. When I walked in the room she was on her laptop checking on something. "Baby, would you go to vegas with me?" She asked not looking up. "Sure. Why and when?" I asked getting in bed. "Work and this coming weekend." She looked up and smiled softly. "I hope you don't mind going with me. I have a conference and well, I thought we could enjoy the weekend. My conference is from 1 to 5pm, then I have the rest of the night, and well, basically a lot of time in the morning." She explained. "I would love to!" I smiled big. "Get out of that laptop already, it's bed time." I said and she laughed closing her laptop. "Goodnight, baby, I love you." She said softly and kissed me, that was something dangerous, it was addictive. Once you started you couldn't stop, just like drugs, her lips had that thing, she had that thing. We finally stopped and we just cuddled, the weather was just perfect for that, and we eventually fell asleep.


"You okay?" "Yeah, I just can't seem to find the right clothes. But I'm okay..." I was frustrated, I couldn't get my stuff together. "Just pack whatever you want, seriously, you look good with all of these, and this and this...just relax, pack what you usually wear and that's it." Leah said and walked to the bathroom. I took a deep breath and did as told and it was actually way easier.

It was Thursday night, we left on Friday night, but I worked on Friday, so I decided to start stressing myself with a few extra time.


Once in Vegas it was actually pretty boring until Leah got back. The first night we just had dinner and went to walk around, it was a beautiful place. The next day I spent most of the time by the pool and then Leah texted me and we dressed up to go for some drinks, our flight was on Monday afternoon.

"How was it? What did you do?" "It was great, it was awesome. I loved it. I'm interested in breast cancer research and they invited me over to this conference, it was awesome. I'm excited." "That's really impressive. It's so good to see you happy talking about the things you love," I smiled. "I should start talking about you then." She smiled and I blushed. I bit my lip and she leaned to kiss me. "She's blushing," She said and pulled away. "Shhh!" I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"Speaking of, have you spoken to your mom?" "Hm, not really. She texted me though, she said she was fine and that she wanted to have breakfast some time. We are doing it on Wednesday." Leah said and sipped from her drink. "I wanna get wasted." She said all of the sudden drinking the full thing all at once. "Oh my...okay" I was shocked but it was funny. "Can you please get me some hm, tequila shots?" She asked the waiter and the girl smiled, "Sure thing. I'll be right back." She walked away and we both stared at her and then back at each other. "I know." I giggled, "It's a great ass." I laughed harder this time. "It is." Leah nodded, "but I got my eyes on a particular ass." She said and stood up to sit beside me, then she kissed me slowly and ended up pulling my bottom lip. "I love you." She said, and every time she said that, I got that feeling inside my stomach. It felt nice. "I love you too." I replied back and we kissed again.

Needless to say that we, in fact, got really really wasted. The hangover the next day was not normal, I couldn't get up, I couldn't remember what happened. My body ached, and judging by the scene, we had sex. I was naked in between sheets and Leah's bare legs, she was resting on my boob.

"Leah..." I tried waking her up. "Hm?" "Wake up, baby." I whispered and started caressing her cheek. "What...what time is it?" "I'm not sure, probably around 11? I don't know. My head is killing me." I complained. "What happened?" She said and stood up slowly laughing. "To be completely honest, I have no clue. I just have some flashbacks, but nothing certain." I giggled and rubbed my forehead. "I need a shower." Leah said and stood up walking butt naked to the bathroom, "come join me!" She yelled before getting inside the bathroom. It took me sometime to get up from bed.

"Jennifer!!!! Oh, my god" She yelled and that really scared me. "What? Are you okay?" I rushed to the bathroom. "What is it?" Her face was blank and her jaw was on the floor. "Oh my god!" She covered her mouth. "What? What is it!!!? Are you okay?" "I- I'm sorry." She said. "What did you do? I'm not understanding." I was clearly very confused. "Jen- I-look..." she pointed down, a little below my hip. I looked down and I almost had a heart attacked. "Leah Marie Remini...when did you do this??? Now I surely need a shower."

I had the phrase "I'm yours." Written by Leah, on my skin.

"Jen I'm sorry..." she said trying not to laugh. "Why? It's sharpie but it'll go away eventually. Besides...I think I did the same on you." I laughed. "I- That's why I'm sorry..." she said and bit her lip. "That's- that's not sharpie...and that won't just go away eventually." She said slowly. I narrowed my eyes, my head was hurting so much to think about all of this. "Can you just, tell me what is going on?" I sighed. "Hmmm well... That's a tattoo." She said and I looked up at her shocked.



I'M YOURS Where stories live. Discover now