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Jennifer's POV.

"Hey you!" I said as Leah was walking my way. "Hey boo!" She kissed my cheek and then sat down right in front of me. "You okay?" I asked her. Her face was a poem, I couldn't quite understand what was going through her mind at the moment. "I- I think I haven't had the best day, that's all." she said and rubbed her forehead, she then turned over and called the waitress.

"Hi, yes... can I have tequila shots? I see here you got this four shots thing, I'd like that one, please." She ordered that and the girl nodded walking away.

"I'm guessing that's all for you." I said, kind of shocked at the fact  that she was about to overdose herself with tequila. She sighed. I looked at her just waiting for an answer. She looked down. It was quite for a few seconds, then she looked away and I saw a tear flowing down her cheek. What the-

"Are you okay?" I asked really concerned. She shook her head no. I rubbed her arm across the table and I was just waiting for her to open up, I didn't want to overwhelm her with questions. She then cleaned her tears and looked at me with this sad, tired and mascara over the cheeks, face.

"You know...this is a really hard job to do. I don't understand why, why you gotta suffer so much? why life gotta be so unfair? Why little kids have to go through this? They don't deserve it. I did my best Jen- and I know that wasn't enough. I- I just...oh, my god" her voice started cracking and she just looked away again. "I'm sorry I'm putting this on you." "No! Silly, it's okay. I'm your friend and I wanna be here for you... don't keep it to yourself, I'm here. It's okay. I'm supposing you lost someone today?" I asked carefully. She then, and finally, looked up at me, straight into my eyes. She had these sad, teary, red and tired eyes. She nodded and then I saw how her eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry." I said softly and I continued to rub her hand trying to comfort her somehow. "Remember the kid I told you I had to leave the other night for?" She asked and I nodded. "We lost him today. I'm devastated. It was a long road for us. He was in that hospital for almost a year, surgery after surgery, and now, when we were finally over, his body was just way too tired for this... I had to go tell his mother, it broke my heart into pieces, I just-" she started crying harder, and by that time I was also teary. I can only imagine.

"I'm so sorry. This date took a turn...this whole day took a turn. I'm sorry I ruined the night. I thought it was going to be a normal dinner, I was so excited..." she explained and I shook my head slowly and stood up walking by her side. I squatted down so I was in between her legs and I rubbed her thighs carefully. "You don't need to apologize for anything, again, as I said before you're my friend and that's what friends are for. I'm always going to be here when you need me... so don't even think that, it's okay, we all go through some shit sometimes, and you have no idea how deeply sorry I am, I know how much he meant to you. I'm sorry." I said once again and then hugged her. She hugged me even tighter and I just let her cry on my shoulder. This was a big deal for her. By that time the girl came with Leah's order and without hesitation she took the four shoots one after the other. I was speechless. She looked at me and smiled a little as she was coughing. "This is always good for my soul." She said and I grinned, "Not for your kidneys though." I mocked her and she laughed a little. "Right." She smiled softly and I was just looking at her. She was playing with the glass that was in the table. "Do you wanna go home? We can order pizza and maybe watch a movie or something." I suggested. "That'd be nice. I feel like an idiot here, crying like a crazy person and drinking tons of alcohol, I feel judged. At least at home I can be myself without people judging me." She shrugged and laughed. She's crazy. "My place, you drive because I got here on an uber." She said and I nodded. "I just need your address." I said and she nodded. "Considered done."

We paid and then left to Leah's house. It was a really nice neighborhood, like... you could tell she had some money.

"Wow." I was just looking around, "this place is crazy!" I said and Leah laughed. "To the left...This is mine." She said and I couldn't believe it. "This is beautiful, oh my god. "Your apartment is beautiful." She said not even meaning that. "Not true. I mean yes, but it's not the same." "Of course because this is a house, we are clear it's not the same." She said and I shook her a look, she laughed, "Im messing with you. Come on, let's get inside." She said and got out of the car.

She opened the door and my jaw dropped. "Oh my god! Leah!" This house was way too beautiful. Everything I've ever imagined my dream house to be. Wood flooring, beautiful chandeliers, it had this beautiful nude tone, nude with like, browns and golden... it was beautiful. I don't have the right words to describe it.

"Is this yours?" I asked looking around. "Yes." She nodded. "I- wow. How old are you again?" I asked and she laughed. "Okay- I'm done. I will stop now." I said now focusing on Leah, who was on her bra, scrub pants and she was currently opening a bottle of wine. Oh, nice.


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