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Jennifer's POV.

"Where the fuck were you? Honestly, I was about to call the police. Don't do that! Just a fucking text. Is that too much to ask? Damn, I was worried.." Ally finished.

"Are you done? Ever since I know, I moved out from my parents house a while ago." I shrugged. "Asshole! I'm serious, I was worried. Where were you?" She pouted and I smiled, then sighed and sat down on the sofa. "Come over." She walked over and sat down beside me. "It's non of your fucking business." I said and laughed. She rolled her eyes, "You're stupid."

When she was about to stand up, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back down, "So Leah got to Alex's house yesterday, she literally did. I don't know how she found the address but she did and...she got there, we went for food then she got a call from the hospital, we spent the night there, and then a few minutes ago we were having breakfast." I finished and she wasn't too impressed. "So that's it?" "Well yes!" "That's whatever." She said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm just kidding!!!! Ohhhhh but look who got herself a hot girl!! You two fucked or?" She asked and I shook my head no. "You're kidding." "I swear we didn't. We slept in the same bed but, anything else." "That's boring, Jen. oh, my god." "Well I'm sorry I didn't have a porn kind of night last night." I shrugged and she laughed. "What the fuck? Well whatever, on the other hand, I got laid." She shrugged. "It was interesting, he's hot." She said and stood up. "Well congratulations." I clapped for her. "Thank you. Graduated from college and from being a hoe." She joked and I laughed. "Alright but now, for real, who's him?" She grabbed her phone and started looking through it. "Here. We got some selfies and whatnot, last night." She handed me her phone. "He's actually pretty hot, my god." "And he's so...hmm he's great." She smiled, "his name is Miguel. He's someone's brother. I don't know, I don't care, he's cute and we have been talking since I woke up. He dropped me off like, a couple of hours ago. The back of a Range Rover is pretty comfortable, just in case you wanted to know. Pass it on." "I knew that...but oh, my god!!!" I laughed. "Oh, you did?" "Obviously, baby, do you know who are you talking to?" I joked, I was completely and absolutely just kidding, I mean I knew about the Range Rover situation, but it wasn't like that. "I'm kidding, but yeah it's pretty comfy. Not like the best, but ya feel." I shrugged, "okay hold on, but what's his last name?" "Hmm...Thompson?" "Don't say! That's Tiffany's brother!" I laughed covering my mouth, "I knew he looked familiar" "you mean, Tiffany, the annoying one?" "That one. She was in one of our classes. Calculus I think, I can't recall." "So she's my sister in law, nice. Well...sacrifices." She said. "You're getting married already?" "Probably, he's everything, but let's wait and see what happens next. He asked me to go out tonight, for dinner. Nothing too fancy." "Right. Well, I gotta go put myself together, I gotta work tomorrow. Have fun at that date. Take care." I stood up and walked towards my room.

There were a lot of things I needed to get done. Since I graduated I was not an intern anymore, so was I getting a new position? An actual one... because interns don't do shit. I mean, yes we do, a lot actually but nothing related to what we are meant to. Then I'd need to start packing so I could move to my new apartment. This was all so unrealistic. I mean... I was used to being home with Ally, and going to classes. It's hard to just, change your habits, mostly when you're already used to them. I'd have an interesting week ahead. I was laying down on my bed, organizing my week inside my head, the usual, when I received a message.

iMessage: Leah Remini.

"She's awake!"

It took me a second. I had to call her.

"Oh, my god!!! I'm so happy for her!! How's she?"
"She's getting better. She's still pretty delicate but she woke up, and she's getting better little by little. It's been success until now. Let's continue hoping for the best." She said and I smiled hard.

"I bet her mother is so happy! You guys...I'm so happy too. Glad she's getting better. I was about to go to bed, this definitely made my night."

"Thank you for being there." She said, sounding as sincere as ever.
"It's alright, I'm happy for her and you, you did an amazing job." I said.

"Thank you, Jen. Means a lot. Well, now I'll leave you, I got a few things I need to take care of. Have a great night, sleep tight."

"Thank you! You too, have a good rest of your day." I finally said and ended the call.

Sigh. It really did make my night, and probably the rest of my week, just to hear her voice, she sounded so happy.


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