Grammar Freak In His Sleep

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(A/N: As many of you know, I'm continuing this book from years ago. Some scenarios were partially written beforehand. Bare with me <3 ENJOY!)

Percy and Hazel couldn't contain their laughter, calling Annabeth in the cabin.

Nico mumbled something.

"What?" Annie asked, and the two messes pointed at Nico sleeping in his comforters.

She shrugged and listened for a minute. "You're missing a comma. . ."

She burst out in smiles and tears, covering her mouth. "Nico talks in his sleep--and corrects people's grammar in it?!"

The three almost collapsed, trying to contain their laughter. Nico mumbled something else, and they laughed harder. Nico then rolled over, and slowly woke up. He groggily sat up, and stated at his three friends in confusion.


Percy rubbed the top of his hair and Nico pushed his hand away, "I need a coffee..."

"You need a comma, too," Hazel replied, and Annabeth poked her, chuckling still.

Nico lifted an eyebrow, "Huh?"

No one cared to explain, so he shrugged it off. He went to the bathroom to get ready for the morning, and the three started laughing again.

"That was the best," Hazel announced, and Percy and Annabeth both agreed.

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