Headaches (Part Two)

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Will quickly looked over and Nico was falling, he jumped to his side and grabbed the smaller boy before he could hit his head. He eased him into his arms and brought him inside the car before anything else. Nico was out cold.

"Nico, Nico!" Solace cried, tapping the boy's cheekbone. Out cold.

He jumped in the driver's seat immediately and took his boyfriend to the emergency room.


Once taken to a room, Will was ordered to sit in the waiting room. All his thoughts and fears got the best of him, and he began crying as he sat. This room is where people find out the truth about their loved ones. They're either dead, or alive. Or inbetween. This is where people crash to the floor in tears, I'd jump or joy, or let their nervous jinx everything. What's going to happen to Nico?

"Nico di Angelo?" Will looked up to find a nurse in white, with dark skin and wavy hair pulled back. She looked to be in her early thirties.

"Is he okay?" Will muffled through tears, wiping his face with his hands and looking back up, feeling exhausted one minute but adrenaline racing through him the next.

"He seems to be under a lot of stress, too much, which has affected his head and will soon affect his heart, giving him an irregular heartbeat. As of now, he's fine, he just needs some R&R. Would you like to see him?"

"Yes!" Will nearly cried. He stood and followed the nurse down to room 82, Nico's room. What happens when they run out of rooms? Will thought, trying to distract himself with silly thoughts.

The nurse opened the door and gestured for him to enter. She then proceeded inside, shutting the door, and she sat in the swivel chair to Nico's right. Will sat by his left, grabbing ahold of his hand and whispering to the boy as he looks up at Will.

"So, Will, is it?" the nurse asked, bringing to her lap a pen and a clipboard of papers. Will distanced his nose from Nico's nose and sat in the nearby chair.

"Yes." he replied.

"Can you tell me when the headaches began?"

"Yeah. This morning it was faint, but got worse throughout the day."

Nico nodded slightly in agreement with lazy eyelids.

"Nico, do you have an eating disorder?" The boy swallowed hard and nodded. The nurse nodded and continued. She asked a few more stupid question, which most the answer to was "no."

"Alright, Nico. Go home, take a few days off. Rest, and relax. Your stress isn't healthy. And eat! You need the nutrition. Will, can I count on you to make sure that happens?" Their was a flicker of faith in the woman's eye.

"Yes, ma'am." Will smiled cheekily. The nurse smiled and nodded. She stood, and began to walk towards the door. She opened it and looked back.

"In two hours Nico is released. Everything from today will be printed out for you at the front desk then. Enjoy the rest of your evening, boys."

She closed the door.

Will immediately turned to Nico. "I love you so much," he said, and kissed the boy's nose. "You feeling better?"

Nico nodded with a tiny smile that was hardly visible. He blinked slowly. "You should sleep." Will kissed his cheek. Nico muttered something indecipherable and closed his eyes. Will held his hand tightly, as if his hand was his life and any lesser grip would kill them both. He didn't dare kiss him, for fear of waking him up, but he played with strands of his hair.

His boy is okay, everything is okay.

P. S. There's gonna be a Part Three, something is gonna go wrong hint hint XD and then maybe a part four. Okay thanks, bye :D

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