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Ship: Solangelo

"Bianca, I'm scared!" little Nico cried.

Bianca smiled and looked at her younger brother, "Don't be, Neeky. Fear is just an excuse for not doing what you don't want to. But everybody has to someday, right? Just take a deep breath, you'll be okay. Remember, I'm right here, and I won't let anything happen to you."

Nico looked hesitantly at the girl, but he decided he should face his fear, like his sister said.

Nico woke from his nightmare; or rather, memory. He wiped his cheekd, he must've been crying in his sleep. He shook his head. Why can't he just forget?

"Nico, are you okay?" Ms. Solace sing-songed, creaking the door open.

Nico sighed, "Yeah, thanks, Ms. Solace. Just wasn't sleeping well." He didn't look up at her, but he heard her hum in response, and decide to leave. Moments later, Will was in the room.

"Hey." Nico started. Will sat on Nico's bed.

"Hey, you okay?" William asked.

Nico sighed, "Just a bad dream."

Will nodded in understanding. He knows how his late sister Bianca pops up in the boy's dreams, he can't seem to get her memories out of his head.

"You wanna talk about it?" Will offered.

Usually, Nico says no, but this time, he nodded, "I'm afraid. Afraid that I'll lose people. Afraid of what I'm becoming. Afraid of us. Bianca used to tell me that fear is just an excuse of getting out of whatever you don't want to do; and she was right. But Will, I dunno . . . What if I can't do it?"

"Do what?"

"I dunno! I don't know."

Solace brought his boyfriend into his arms. Nico relaxed. "I don't know." he repeated in a mumble. He breathed in Will's scent.

"It's okay not to know."

"Is it?"

"Yeah. You've got me, remember? Everything's okay now."

It took Nico to respond a while, but his terse response held more meaning then expected. "Yeah."

Nico di Angelo One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now