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"Will, you wanna watch a horror movie?" Nico asked for the fiftieth time that night.

"No. I wanna watch a romance." Will replied.

"Okay. Watch a horror, then I'll watch a romance with you."

Will hesitated. He knew Nico knew of the scariest horror movies, would he take it easy on him? Will hates horror movies, he'll stand by that til the day he dies.

"Nico, I don't-"

"It won't be too scary!" Nico interrupted enthusiastically. "Come on, we can cuddle."

Will's ears got red at Nico's last comment. Though, they are dating now, so it's not like it's a big deal. Right? Right.


"O-okay." he replied. Nico mumbled a prolonged "yes" and ran into his bedroom. Will followed. Nico had already picked out a DVD, one that Will knew he'd pass out by just watching the first ten minutes of. Stephen King's IT.

"Nico, NO! I hate clowns!" Will whined.

Nico smirked, "It's okay, it's not that scary, it's just good acting."

"Which is scary!"

"Dude, clowns are to make kids happy, toddlers can handle them! You're fine. Besides, I'm right beside you, it's okay."

Will wasn't happy about it, but he sat with Nico on Nico's bed and the movie began by the click of a remote (that Nico made an obvious effort to make sure Will count reach it when he set it down).

Will held Nico's hand, his head on his chest. His mind made up the worse scenarios when the music came up.

Halfway through, his eyes were closed, and Nico was intently watching the movie with a smile.

Nico di Angelo One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now