Bound to the Hunt, Part One

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《 Ship 》 》 Thalico

Nico di Angelo. Nico, Nico, Nico, di Angelo, Nico, Nico, Nico, di Angelo. Get out of my head!

Nico used to be like a brother to me, considering he's a couple years younger. But now, I've been noticing things I hadn't before; his pale skin, the emotion in his eyes, his hair when the wind is against it. And even though I'm a huntress, of Artemis, I still believe one thing; crushes still exist.

I knew that I had a crush on Nico when he strided over to me after the Capture the Flag game to congratulate my win. He reached out his hand to shake, and I took it, noticing the details, like his defined knuckles and smooth skin. Once he let go, my hand felt colder, wishing he'd warm it just the bit he does again.

When he left, I watched until he entered his cabin, leaving me frozen. Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo. I took a deep breath. How dishonorable, disrespectful and dishonest could I be? I turned, folding my arms, eradicating my previous thoughts. I'm a huntress of Artemis, bound without men, and I will not break my oath to my malady for a fifteen-year-old.

I have more will-power than that.

Or so, I thought.

The next morning, I walked right up to Nico's cabin. What am I doing? my thoughts tried talking sense to me. Curse Aphrodite, I think, for giving me a heart. I knocked on Cabin 13's door. Almost immediately, it swung open, revealing a sleep-deprived Nico.

His hair was wild, like the eyes of a beast. He wore his usual black tee with a skull on it, and black skinny jeans with a chain in his left pocket. He wore no smile, just an exhausted frown. Disappointing, but attractive--if I have to admit it.

"Hey, Thals." he greeted. It's not that he's the only one who calls me that, just the one who gives me bubbles when I do.

"Hey, Neeks. Can I come in? I wanna talk to you." I respond casually.

He nods and moves out the way. I enter his cabin. I feel like it's nighttime, everything is dark and the thick curtains are shut. The only thing with color is his bed sheets, which are red. Apparently, he is now a vampire.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" he asks once the door is closed.

I sigh. Be brave, Thalia.

"I need help. As you know, I'm bound to the Hunt." I began.


"Well, I kind of, accidentally, developed a liking towards somebody."

I looked at his expression. It was a mix of curiosity, shock, victory and disbelief. "Really, who?" he blurted.

I sigh. "You." I mumble.

"Pardon?" he asks, not hearing.

I scoff. "You," I explain. "I have a crush on you. And I will crush you if you tell anybody!"

He stares and shakes his head. "No way."

I felt a pain in my heart, but let him continue in his moment. He's probably just shocked. I mean, it's me.

"Thalia," he steps closer. "I like you too."

And that was the start of it all.

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