Solangelo Winter Special!

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Years ago, a friend of mine challenged me to write this. I did, but I never finished/published it. I'm no longer in contact with this friend, but the memory made me smile. Middle school was so long ago, but damn, so much happened. So, please enjoy this little pocket from a universe I owned many moons ago :) Thank you ♡

Will sipped a cup of hot chocolate with marshmellows as he waited for Nico to arrive. Nico agreed to come to Will's family's house for Winter Solstice this year, even if it really was just to be with Will and not in a camp full of losers without him.

Every second ticks by slowly as Will waits, staring at the door instead of the TV. His mother and sister are upstairs, doing girl things. He's alone to his thoughts, and worrying.

What if he's attacked by a monster?

What if he changes his mind?

What if he wants to leave early?


That's all he can think of, as if he's living a Marvel comical one-shot. A half an hour later, the doorbell rings. Out of joy, Will is there in a split-second, opening the door to his beautiful boyfriend.

"Nico!" Will happily and gratefully exclaims.

Nico hugs back, and kisses Will's cheek, "Promised you I'd be here."

Will leads Nico by the hand inside, calling his family downstairs. To make Nico comfortable, he sits with him on the couch, Nico immediately shifting as close as possible.

Will's family comes down the stairs. A young girl, looking about fifteen, with hair like Will's, brown eyes, and pale skin clops down in rain boots and a robe. An older woman, with white hair and brown eyes like the girls', in the same wardrobe, is with her.

Will sighs at their homey appearance.

Nico smirked at the sight.

"Guys..." Will said. "This is my boyfriend... who's not in a robe."

The girl giggled, and the older woman waved her hand in the air, "Oh, you're no fun, William."

"William?" Nico mouthed, surprised. He didn't know anyone even called Will that still, he sure didn't.

Will blushed in embarrassment and Nico chuckled, "It's nice to meet you."

The older woman clopped over and sat down in a chair across from them, "So you're Nico, Will's partner! You're even cuter in person."

Nico blushed, lifting an eyebrow.

Will's sister sits next to Nico, "Yeah, you're hair is really dark."

Nico wasn't sure how to respond. He never really had a family before. He had a mom, who died when he was 5, and an older sister who watched out for him (who also died) but that was about it.

Will pushed his sister's shoulder lightly, "Amelia! Don't be so forward."

The mother just bellowed, enjoying the sight of Will and his sister, Amelia, interact with each other. It has been a while since Will visited home, hasn't it? Nico figured they'd missed him.

After a brief interaction, they agreed to put on a holiday movie. They ended up with Falling For Christmas, with Lindsey Lohan in it. Nico cuddled up closer to Will, leaning over and taking a sip of his hot cocoa.

Will playfully tipped the cup forward, getting whipped cream on Nico's upper lip.

"Babe!" he whisper-shouted. Will just giggled, then helped him wipe it off.

"You're so annoying," Nico muttered, smiling anyways.

"You're so adorable," Will responded, kissing Nico's nose.

"You're so gross!" Amelia shouted at them, sitting next to them still.

Nico blushed in embarrassment and Will simply rolled his eyes. They continued the movie. Every once in a while, Will's mom would shout at the TV, or Amelia would laugh at something said that was definitely not funny, or Will and Nico would give each other a quick kiss or compliment.

This... was home. Wasn't it? Nico wondered if it could be like this forever. Of course it couldn't, but he wondered. And for right now, it felt like a very good forever.

Will looked over at him, enjoying the movie. He loved Nico's eyes more than any other sight. He wrapped his arm around Nico tightly. Nico was his forever.

Every day feels like the holidays with the love of your life, they both determined. And it was the coziest, warmest, loveliest feeling in the entire planet.

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