"Queen clary" the little girl says excitedly. I squat down to look at her. "What is it like living in the castle" the little boy asks. "Its nice. There is a lot of rooms. It gets a little lonely sometimes. Did you come on coronation day for the party?" They shake their heads. "Momma wouldn't let us. She said the new queen and king wouldn't want to see us" the little boy says. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I would have loved to see two cute little ones like yourself. The next time there is a open invite to the castle I want to see you two there." "What if momma dosent let us" the little girl says. "Don't worry. If she dosen't just let me know and I will send for someone to come get you or I will get you both myself" I say. "Yay" the little girls squeals. "One day, I want to be one of the castle guards" the little boy says. "I'd like that" I smile and say.

"Is it true" the little boy asks. "Is what true?" "Are we going to have a new little prince or princess?" " Oh i didn't know anyone knew about that but yes its true." "Do you know if its going to be a boy or a girl yet" the little girl asks. "Not yet" I say. " Well, what do you want it to be" the little boy asks. "It doesn't matter to me" I say. A door opens to one of the houses nearby and a woman walks out the front door. "Catie , Kieland leave the queen alone and come inside. Its going to get dark soon" she says. "So that's your names. Catie and Kieland?" They nod. "Well Catie and Kieland, I would love to see you again. If your mom gives you a hard time just let me know." The both nod and run to their mom and disappear inside the house.

The woman who i'm guessing is their mom walks up to me. She says "I'm sorry about them. I'm sure you have better things to do than to talk to a 5 year old and a nine year old your highness." "Its perfectly fine. I was just taking a walk through the city not really doing much. Are they your kids" I ask. "Yes ma'am. They are a handful but they are good kids. I'm sorry about them bothering you. Enjoy your night" she says and walks back into her small house.
I continue my walk around the city. I head back after dark once the sun starts to go down. I walk through the gates and enter the castle. It is now 10:30. I head up to the bedroom and change into a long t shirt and sweat pants. When I come out of the bathroom I see Jace walk in. "Hey love, when did you get back" He asks me. "About 10 minutes ago. I will go get the second book for us to start on. Stay right here" I say and leave the bedroom.

I leave the bedroom and walk across the castle. I head over to the west wing. I open the library doors. It take me a while to find the chamber of secrets book. I finally find it though. I grab the book and leave the library closing the doors behind me. I leave the west wing and head down a bunch of stairs to the kitchen. I open the door and see people washing dishes and cleaning up after dinner. "Hi mrs. Clary. What can we do for you" I think his name is Sam asks. "I just came down for some water" I say. "Cold or warm?" "It doesn't matter" I say. He nods and heads over to a cooler in the corner of the room. He pulls out a bottle of water and brings it over to me. "Thank you. Have a good night" I say and leave the kitchen.

When I get back in the room I set the chamber of secrets book on the table. "I was wondering when you were coming back. How long does it take to grab a book and come back?" "Getting the book part didn't take long at all. I just had to head down a bunch of stairs to the kitchen. I had to get some water but I'm back now" I say. He nods. "Clary I want you to take that offer to art school" he says. "What? Jace no. I can't. You know I can't." "Yes you can" he says in a determined voice. "Just wait till after he baby is born and you can go. Once the baby is born and you are ready to leave, go. I will watch over him or her." I lean my head and look up at him. I can see the hard determination in his eyes. I know there is no getting out of this one. There is no way I could possibly win if I try to argue with him. I sigh and say "alright. I just don't want to leave you alone to raise the baby and the entire shadow world all by yourself." "Hey, don't worry about me. I will be just fine. Besides, I won't make any major decisions without talking to you first. I will either write you and we will talk about it or I will come myself and find you. We are both in this together remember." I nod. "Alright. I guess I will go then. But I won't leave for a long time. If you ever need me when I'm gone don't you dare hesitate to let me know and I will come right back."
"Alright love. Now can we please get to the book. I have waited all day and the suspense is killing me." I give a small short laugh and say "okay." I climb in the bed. He gets in beside me and I grab the book off of the nightstand. I open to chapter 16. I start reading. "In years to come Harry would never quite remember how he had managed to get though his exams when he expected Voldemort to come bursting through the doors at any moment. Yet the days crept by, there was no doubt that fluffy was still alive and well behind the door. ..." I read the chapter. Once I hit the last chapter I read the first page. "Hold up" jace stops me. I look at him. "So it wasn't snape who was after the stone it was quirrel? That makes no sense." "Yes it does. Let me finish and you will figure out why he was after the stone." He nods and doesn't say another word. I turn back to the book. "The mirror is the key to finding the stone" quirrel murmured, tapping his way around the frame. "Trust Dumbeldoor to come up with something like this... but he's in London... I'll be far away by the time he gets back. ..." "so... let me get this straight, quirrel had Voldemort technically living in him. They needed the stone to bring back his mortal body but when Harry touched quirrel he died along with Voldemort again because of the love protection from his mother when she died and he lived?" "Yeah pretty much." "That's so wierd. So he went back to the dursleys?" "Yep" I say. "He should just stay with Ron or maybe someone else form the school who actually likes him." "I agree but it doesn't work like that." "That's stupid. Can you start on the second one now?" I smile. "Sure" I say and get up to get the next book off of the table.

I take it back to he bed. I get in and open to chapter one. "How far do you want me to go" I ask. "To where he goes back to school." "Jace, babe, he doesn't go back to school till like chapter 5. If I went all the way to chapter 5 I would be reading till 2 am. You would have fallen asleep by then. I tell you what, I will read all of chapter 3 then I am quitting for the night." "Okay" he says. I start reading. "Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four privet drive. Mr. Vernon dursley had been awoken in the early hours of the morning by a loud hooting noise from his nephew Harry's room. ..." I read, like I said I would, all the way to the end of chapter 3. "I like Ginny" he says after I have marked the page and closed the book. "And why is that?" "She reminds me a little of you." "Aw that's sweet. She's one of the main characters in this book too so you will be seeing both of us then in this book. But I'm not much like Ginny at all." "Well good. I like little spunky feisty redheads." I smirk. "And I like tall blondes. I'm just warning you now, don't get attached to characters in these books. Your heart may get ripped out by them" I say. His eyes get wide "Why what happens?" "I can't tell you. Just don't get too attached." "Got it. Can I still like them?" "Yeah. Of course. Just don't get emotionally attached." "Okay."

"Have you thought of any baby names yet" I ask him. "A little. Not much though. Have you?" "Yes I have. I like the name Ky William. What names have you thought about?" "Ky William ... I like the sound of it. I have thought of luna willow but I don't know." "It's pretty. Well we can change the names over time. We have plenty of time."

I yawn. I set the book on the nightstand. I lay my head on the pillow. "Goodnight love" jace says. "Goodnight" I say. I smile and close my eyes. He kisses my forehead and I fall asleep.

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