Chapter 328: Power

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Sevosmai smiled, "here's the question I pose to you; in this world and the real, what is the constant, the thing that allows a person to stand above all others?"

It took a second for an answer to come to mind, "power!"

"Bingo!" Sevosmai replied with a clap of his hands. "Now for the hard part, power comes in many forms, in the real world what are they?" Without skipping a beat Sevosmai dashed at me.

He chained together knife attacks, kicks, and shots from his pistol. His attacks had a precision and focus to them that could overwhelm most opponents. I blocked as many attacks as I could, most of the shots from his pistol either grazed me or hit directly.

Eventually I managed to lock blades with Sevosmai. He leaned in, "So what types power exist in the real world?" He said as a smile spread beneath his hood.

"There's many; Talent, money, influence and charisma, fame, technological advancement, and positional power." I replied matter of fact.

"Yes, yes absolutely. Now in this world of data what is the purest form of power."

"I don't know."

"The answer is quite simple, it's will."

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