Chapter 303: Gun and Sword

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The first match was Ye-Suel, and Xiyang. They finished their opponents without much effort.

Xiyang using two rapiers kept her opponent on the defense with well executed slashes and thrusts, each move she made made her seem very adapt with a thrusting sword. Most likely real life skill was translating into the game.

Ye-Suel fired round after round from her dual pistols; slowly whittling down her opponents health while keeping on the move.

Watching her was like watching one of those action films where the protagonist runs around shooting with twin pistols while doing acrobatic stunt after stunt, however unlike in those movies her shots landed more often then not.

Both players approached combat differently, they didn't work well as a team, however it was undeniable that they both had the skill to stand above other players.

The match finished at five minutes with Ye-Suel and Xiyang having won by a clear margin.

After the match had finished Ye-Suel stood around scanning the crowd until she locked eyes with Xuelian. She smiled staring at her for a few moments before turning and leaving.

As they both walked away, I thought I saw Xiyang sigh.

Mystical Awakening Online: SotPM [Part 2] (CPN)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें