Chapter 247: Shackles of the Past

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"Cyrus you really want to know about me. Even though it breaks most game etiquette?"

"Screw it, I'm curious now."

I sighed again, "...Alright." I sighed once more before speaking "back home I didn't have the greatest childhood. Don't get me wrong it wasn't bad by any standard, but let's say I was the kid in school most everyone actively avoided, my parents are influential. My father is a director of a hospital and is on several committees. While my family isn't super rich, they do have a lot of political say. And it didn't help growing up that that my father was very strict, and mother was overbearing and overprotective."

"So, you were sheltered?"

"That's putting it lightly. My mother home schooled me up until high school. Then I went to a private school. Even then I hardly had any friends, my father made sure of that, and I wasn't allowed to talk to girls, much less date. Over the years my father and mother got better, but the damage was already done. I didn't fit in at all during high school and I was barely able to function during school."

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