Chapter 324: Special - Displacement

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~We seek forward motion to move with the current of life. Thus change is inevitable. We should accept change, or be swallowed whole by the depths of life.~

"So you're the new employee the President hired directly. You seem too young for this field; most have a doctoral?"

"My name is Maurus, Rin Maurus, 21 years old. I have a Ph.D in computer science, also a master's in Programming, Robotics, and English."

"What; so you're the genius everyone one has been talking about. It's nice to meet you, my name is Ryana Talia."

"It's Pleasure to meet you as well. Never thought of myself as a genius, just someone who likes to learn."

"I see. So you which department will you be working in?"

"I'm told I'm supposed to be taking over as Department Head of Virtual Reality Interface."


"Something wrong?"

"Yes . . . Very, I'm the Head of the Virtual Reality Interface Department."

"Hmm; that explains it."

"Explains what!?"

"The President told me to speak with you for an orientation brief."

"Really now; come with me, we're going to speak with the President about this!"

~Through Changes we grow. Through growth we adapt to change. This is life's cycle."

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