Chapter 200: Boss - Kulu of the Pyre Forest V

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The boss dashed at me striking with its talons. I backstepped and rolled trying to avoid its swipes while dodging the phantoms that drifted toward me.

I dodged left, then right, forward, right again, and back.

Before I had time to react, I saw it's claw come at me.

I felt pain, lots of pain.

It was agonizing.

I couldn't move. I had slammed up against the wall and couldn't move. Looking up I was under the «stun» status and suffered «crippling wound: broken ribs» condition.

The «stun» status would go away after a few moments; however, the «broken ribs» condition wouldn't go away until after six hours passed or if I used a specific potion, which I didn't have.

The condition lowered my max «stamina», «stamina recovery», and all stats by five percent.

I stood up. My «health» had dropped by sixty percent and I was close to being in the red. The boss reared up ready to charge.

"Guess this is it."

There was no way I could move out the way and there was no way I could survive another attack.

Suddenly I saw Xuelian jump in and deliver a kick powerful enough to «stun» the boss.

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