Chapter 316: Deflection and Evasion

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The next morning was much the same as yesterday, silence between us.

During our morning breakfast I decided I would speak up first.

"Hey, Xue-," "Tsuba-."

We spoke at the same time.

"You first," Xuelian said.

"No, you go ahead first," I replied urging her to go first.

"Okay.... Let's make today a good day. Yesterday was yesterday, today is today, alright?" Xuelian said hesitantly at first but I felt she truly meant it; she was smiling brightly.

"Yeah," I replied with a smile and a nod. "Hey question, so what did you and Phenyvone talk about!"

After I asked the question Xuelian turned red.

"Umm... What about you what did Yuwanyx talk to you about," Xuelian asked trying to deflect my question.

My answer was veiled; however, it was still embarrassing to say, "we talked about being strong and what it takes to move forward," technically I didn't lie, however it wasn't exactly everything.

"Hmm...?" Xuelian seemed confused, "Okay."

"So, I told you what Yuwanyx and I talked about so will you tell me what you and Phenyvone talked about?"

"Hey, we should get going or we'll be late!" Xuelian said while her face was even brighter.

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