Back to New York

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I walk out of the bedroom to find izzy sitting at the kitchen table and looking out of the window. "So how did you find the house" I ask. She turns to look at me. "I went to where all of the manor houses are and kept walking. I knew this was yours because it has the herondale family symbol on the gate. The gate was open which I thought was weird but I still came down the path and you were here." "I guess that makes sense. I forgot about the gates. I'm glad they were open for you to come down. I better shut those though. Jace can just open them back when he gets back" I say and walk out.
I walk out of the house and close the gates in front of the house. I look at our nice house. It's quiet here. I'm more of a city person  considering I grew up in New York.

--------------- time lapse 3 hours ------------------

We sit in the house for a few hours before Jace finally comes back. He walks in the back door. "Hey love" he says and leans down and gives me a small kiss. "Hey izzy. What are you doing here?" "Nice to see you too. I'm here to take clary shopping" she says. "Why do you need to go shopping?" "The coronation, duh" she says with a look on her face like it should be obvious. "The coronation isn't for like 7 more months Isabelle" he says with a small whine in his voice. "Apparently I need this now" I say looking at him. "Ugh fine" he groans "just have her back before tomorrow" he says knowing Isabelle could shop all night if she could. "Yes" she says excitedly "now go cover that scar on your face so we can leave" she says pointing down the hall to where me and jaces room is. I sigh and get up. I walk to the bathroom in our room. I cover the scar that I realize I haven't covered since the wedding. I mean there is no need to if I'm not leaving the house or going anywhere. I move my necklace so it is visible over what I am wearing.

I go into the living room and say "let's go. Bye Jace" I say. We walk out of the door. "Let's take a portal to New York" she says. I draw a portal knowing that if I said no she would find another way to get us to New York. She steps through first then I do. The portal closes behind me.

We show up at Times Square. There are people all around us walking and talking and shopping. "Okay, where are we going iz" I ask her. "This way. I know a great store that has tons of dresses that would look great for your coronation" she says and starts walking. I follow her.

A few minutes later we arrive at a store called dress me up. We walk in and it is full of prom dress type dresses. They have all sorts of nice dresses. I have a feeling this will be like getting the wedding dress. "I called Tessa and your mom for help. They are on their way" she says. How she called them is beyond me. She starts looking through the racks. "We have to find you the perfect dress." "I thought the perfect dress is supposed to be my wedding dress" I say. "Yeah but your case is different" she says still looking through the racks.
Just then the door sounds. I turn and see mom and Tessa. They come and hug me. "Hey clary. It's good to see you again. Let's pick you out a coronation dress and maybe a couple others" Tessa says. "I only have money for one dress though guys and it just depends on which dress I choose" I say looking at the three of them. Izzy has now turned to face all of us.
"That's why we are helping pay for two of the other ones." I sigh and shake my head in defeat.
I look through the racks. I pull out a couple of dresses and get handed a bunch more. They all pile on top of my arms. I go into the changing room. I try on a red dress first. "It's alright but go try on the next one" mom says when I come to show them. I sigh and walk back to the changing room. I was right, this is going to be like finding he wedding dress. I try on a pink one next. "That's cute" Tessa says. Izzy nods. I go back and change into a bunch of dresses. 2 hours later we finally narrow it dow to 10. A while later we settle on 3 different dresses. I take one and pay for it while Tessa and izzy pay for the others. The three we decided on were light blue, black, and green.

We walk out of the store. "You girls portaled here didn't you" Tessa says. We nod. "You can put the dresses in my car while we shop some more. I'm sure clary is needing some more normal clothes since there isn't many stores like that in Alicante. We can go eat at some point if y'all are hungry." I nod we set the cars in the back of her car.
We go over to a bunch of other stores like Aeropostale, bath and body works, and forever 21. The others get stuff too. We stay out till almost sundown. "Why don't we go eat somewhere" I suggest. It is dinner time. "Yeah that'll works. I could call Luke to come meet us. He will want to see you again" mom says. "I'll call jem and get him to bring Logan too. They will want to as well" Tessa says. They pull out their phones and call. Isabelle gets in Tessa's car and I get in moms car.
They get in the cars later and mom tells me "we are going to meet at that Italian place not far from Tessa's house." "Sounds great" I say. Tessa pulls out first and mom follows. We head a long way to the Italian restaurant. This will taste good. I'm excited for Italian again.
We pull up and get a table. Jem shows up not long after. He is carrying little Logan. He sets Logan down and the little boy runs as fast as his little legs can to me. "Clawy" he says with a huge smile once he gets to me. "Hey buddy. I missed you" I say giving him a hug. I pick him up and set him on my lap. "So clary, how do you like the house" Tessa asks me. "Oh I love it Tessa. You did so good at picking out everything." She smiles. The waitress comes over and takes our drink orders. Luke gets here a few minutes later. I give him a hug and he sits next to mom. "So how have you been clary" Luke asks me. "I've been good. Its been quiet tough. I'm more of a city person though. The manor house is in the middle of nowhere." Tessa nods and says "I've been there. I grew up in New York as well and the London institute wasn't exactly talkative at first when I got there." "Yes it was Tessa. Why wouldn't it be. We had Will to keep it all crazy and to keep the life in the institute" Jem says. We order our food the next time the waitress comes back with our drinks.
We catch up for a while over dinner. After, we go to Tessa's house to hang out before me and izzy go back to idris. "Wow you guys, I love your house" Isabelle says looking around her house. I set logan down and he grabs my hand. "Come on clawy" he says and pulls me to his room. "dis is my room" he says excitedly. "I like it" I tell him. "Have you been to my house before" he asks curiously. "I have but it has been a long time" I tell him. He grabs my hand and we walk in the living room where our moms are. "Looks like he really missed you clare" Jem says looking at the two of us. I sit on the couch next to izzy and Logan climbs into my lap. "I did daddy. I haven't seen clawy in a while" Logan says. He is just the cutest little thing ever. "Do you still have the cars" I ask mom and Luke. They nod. "Y'all can use my car if you want to. I don't care. I wouldn't touch jaces comaro though, that thing is like his baby. It's his most prized possession" I tell them.

We sit here till 10:45 catching up and hanging out. Mom and Luke left an hour ago. Logan fell asleep still on my lap. "So how are you and jace" izzy asks and jem and Tessa nod like they want to know too. "We are good" I say simply. "He hasn't driven you too crazy yet? Herondales have a tendency to do that at times" Jem says. "Not yet. I will let you know when he does though" I say with a small laugh.

"Clary do you mind taking Logan to his room and putting him to bed? I would but he probably won't want to leave you again" Tessa says. "Sure" I say and hold Logan and stand up.

I walk to his room. He wakes up. "Clawy? Why awe we in hewe" he asks rubbing his eyes sleepy. "I have to put you to bed little buddy. I also have to leave soon. Go get your jammies on and I will tuck you in" I say. I set him down. He walks over to his dresser and pulls out some pajamas with race cars on them. He slowly and sleepily gets changed. I pull the sheets back on his bed and he gets in. I tuck the sheets in tight around him. I tickle him a little and he giggles. "Will I see you again clawy?" He asks. "Of course. Just not as often since I'm not living around here anymore. If you want to come visit me I'd love to see you. Just tell your mommy or your daddy" I tell him. "All wight. Let's go now." I smile. "We can't now little buddy. You have to go to bed and your parents won't like it if I just take you with me without asking. Just tell them and they can bring you over." I give him a little hug. "Good night Logan." "Good night clawy" he says and yawns. I walk to the door and flip the light switch and walk out of his room.

A few minutes later me and izzy say bye to Jem and Tessa. "Come by anytime you guys. Jace will want to see Tessa" I tell them. She smiles and says "alright." I walk out the front door. "Oh I almost forgot. Your stuff is in my car" Tessa says. I get the dresses out of the back and Izzy grabs the bags. I get my stele out of my pocket after I close the trunk of Tessa's car. I draw a portal and see the shiny blue portal appear. I wave bye to Tessa and we both go through the portal.
We get back at the front porch of the manor house. I open the door and me and izzy walk in our hands full. I'm glad jace left the door unlocked for us. The lights are off though. "You can set everything down. You can sleep here if you want. There's extra bedrooms upstairs" I say. She sets all the bags down and nods. "Sure" she says and starts up the stairs. I walk in my bedroom. Jace is asleep. "Is that you love" he says not moving. It's dark in here so I can't see much. "No it's santa clause. Who else?" He sits up and looks at me. I flip on the lights and take the dresses to the closet and hang them up on my side. He comes in and gives me a hug. "I missed you" he says. "I doubt it. It couldn't have been that bad without me here" I say. "It was" he says dramatically "it was quiet and lonely in this house without my clary." "Now you know what it is like for me without you here" I say and hang the last dress up. "Why did you get three" he asks. "Mom, izzy, and Tessa wanted me to get three incase I needed two others. In April you can pick which dress for the coronation." He has a small smile on his face that tells me he's thinking of something else. "What all did you do after you left to New York?" "We met with mom and Tessa. We shopped for a few hours. Then we went to eat and met Jem, Logan, and Luke. After we ate we went and hung out at Tessa's house for a while." "I've never been to Tessa's house" he says a little disappointed. "Oh it's nice. It's only like 30 minutes away from where we used to live."

I walk out of our room and come back with the rest of the shopping bags. "By the angel clary, what did you get" he asks surprised at my bags. I set them down in the closet too lazy to put them away now. I will do it in the morning. "Only the essentials" I say when I turn back to him. I smile at him and go into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I change into a loose t shirt and pajama shorts. I turn off the lights and crawl into bed next to jace. "Izzy is spending the night upstairs" I tell him. "That's fine" he says and brings my chin up to kiss me. After he does I giggle. "What" he asks. "You" I just say. "What about me" he says back. "Your just so cute." "Mm... yes I have been told by many people" he says. I lay my head down and link a hand with his. "I love you" I say. "I love you too" he says. I soon fall asleep.

Better together (a clace fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz