I pick out three. One is solid gold, one is white and gold, another is plain white. I grab them off the racks and take them to them to the dressing room. I try in the plain white one first. It is a strapless plain white dress it has a sparkly belt like in the middle. I like it on me.

I walk out and show the others

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I walk out and show the others. "Oh that's beautiful on you clary. I love it" mom and Tessa say at the same time. "I do too. Let's put that in the possibility pile" Izzy says. I smile and nod. Finally. They finally like a dress on me. I go back in the dressing room. I have been here for what feels like forever. I take the white dress off and hang it up. I pass it through the curtain for one of them to take. Someone grabs it and I try on the solid gold dress. I don't like this one as much as I like the white one on me.

This dress is strapless too

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This dress is strapless too. It is tight. Like really tight. I has a bunch of ruffles on the bottom. I open the curtains and walk out to the others. "It's not bad but it's not the best. I like the white one the best" izzy says. I nod and say "me too." "It looks tight. Is it" Tessa says. I nod. "Go in the changing room and grab all of the dresses we have said no to and bring them to us and we can put them away while you change into the next one" mom says. I go back into the changing room and grab about 17 different dresses. I bring them out to them and they walk over to the racks and I go back into the changing room. I look at my phone. I got another text from Reagan saying 'they want the designs in a week. I know it's short notice but that's what they told me to tell you.' As soon as I get home from getting the wedding dress I have to start on the designs.

I put on the last dress. This one is white and gold. It's poofy below the waist but it is still so pretty. This one is my favorite.  It covers my neck with gold. The top half is golden and The bottom is white and gold. It is gorgeous.

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