CHAPTER 80 - The Struggle

Start from the beginning

But here I was --- Utterly pissed off at the world and demanding to see my injured friend.


I screamed as Nathan held me back inches away from ripping out the doctors throat. But he couldn't keep me silent.

"Let me see him! Let me see him! I have to see him!" I kept demanding to see him but Nathan wouldn't let me go. The doctor wouldn't listen to me as he seemed to be more scared of me than anything else and Alpha Maddox?

Well, he just stood in the middle of all the commotion keeping me from attacking the doctor who seemed to be slowly retreating to as an attempt to get as far away from me as possible before I could get free and jump at his jugular.

"His wound was much to grave for even his wolf genes alone to heal. We had to give his body a chance to regenerate or he could've most certainly died --- The pain alone was enough to kill him. We have done everything in our power to save his life."

I wasn't listening anymore. There was a ringing in my ears and my vision was growing clouded.

I growled loudly baring my elongated teeth.

"Inducing a coma was the only option we had to save him. But unless he fights to pull through and his body helps heal him. Then I'm afraid...I'm afraid there won't be much else we can do to help him."

That was it.

In what appeared to be a mere couple of seconds Alpha Maddox pushed the doctor to the wall behind him at the same time that I twisted escaping Nathan's tight grip and sent him flying against a hospital wall. His body left an indentation on the hospital wall but he got straight back up without dusting himself off or any apperant injury.

I stalked closer to the doctor my body igniting with each and every step I took.

My eyes darkened.

My nose flared.

I smelled fear thick in the air.

My claws elongated and I jumped hitting nothing but thin air.

I growled.

The doctor had moved only a couple of inches away just I had struck causing me to miss my target.

Rage was blinding me. I saw fear reflected it in the doctors eyes while the Alpha's eyes turned black positioning himself to fight me if I tried to attack them once more.

After all I wasn't part of his pack and he, the doctor, was. In fact, the doctor was a well known and respected member of this community.

I, on the other hand was a complete stranger.

My fire grew lightly scorching my surroundings as sweat began to bead on everyones skin, "Let me see him!" I ordered once more but nobody moved.

Everyone was frozen in place, watching me.

I began to pace around and then stopped to crouch readying myself to launch across the room once again. My fire began flickering rapidly and dangerously, licking everything they touched.

"I will see him."

I snarled making a statement and jumped at them.

The Alpha shifted and at the same time I felt Nathan jumping on me his arms wrapping around me in a vice like grip keeping me frozen on one spot unable to move.

We fell to the floor as he pinned me to the ground.

"I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry." He repeated but without letting me go or loosing his hold on me.

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