Chapter 23

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For all intents and purposes The Papa roach band members are all in there early 20's. Jacoby himself will be 21 in this my story and single so far but he will meet someone and no it won't be Lilly. In real life he is married as far as I know with kids I think. {--Key word

Jacoby Shaddix's POV


"Nathan you know everyone, right?" I asked him as he looked around at the band nodding. "So who's the girl?" I asked Nathan and he sighed. "Shes....How do I even begin to describe her. Man, she's incredible I mean she's smart, she's beautiful, she's kind and there is just something about her." He said trialing off and the guys just let out a low whistle. I looked at him and for once I saw something in him that I had never seen even when we first met back when we were kids at home.


I was fifteen when I met Nathan in school after moving there with my mom. She had wanted to erase every memory of my father who had abandoned her for another woman before finding out she was pregnant. Back then I didn't know I was a half-wolf since my mom was a normal human and she never mentioned my dad being a wolf. After awhile I assumed she just didn't know about it.

One day in school the shifting pain started spreading thru me and it felt like I was about to be split into pieces. I was crouching in the boys bathroom trying to hold in the painful screams of transformation. Only back then I didn't know what the heck was happening to me. But then Nathan came in and he recognized the signs of a first shifting having gone thru it a few days before with help from his father who was a non-shifting wolf.

He took me out of school and after a few painful hours I finally finished my first shift into a midnight black wolf with silver stripes. Nathan showed me his fiery red pelt and after that we were best friends. Sure I was a year ahead of him and he was richer than I but it didn't matter even now our differences where nothing compared to years of friendship and the memories we shared.

Flashback Over

"Are you guys going out?" I asked him sincerely curious. "No." Was all he said sadly and I got up "Ima go get a drink. You guys want something?" I asked them but nobody wanted anything so I headed towards the bar in the back where the two rooms where.

Where Nates friend was resting.

As I got closer to the back I heard a song...

"Cause I've lost my innocence

And I'm a stranger, A life changer

I'm a girl thats not afraid of danger

I walk my own path, and blaze my own trail Because I'm not afraid to derail

I won't get in line or be a middle man

So fuck you I'll make my own plan

And I got respect and I don't neglect

The people that I really care to protect

Am I a failure if I got nothing to lose

No, I'm not a failure, I got something to prove"

'Ive never heard that song.' I thought slowly inching toward the sound until I came face to face with the room door where Lilly was. I knocked and waited a few minutes before she opened the door her hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. I had to admit the girl was beautiful and I could see what Nathan meant. "Can I help you?" She said waving her hand in front of my face trying to get my attention and I realized that I had spaced.

"I heard singing. Was that you?" I asked her as a light blush creeped into her cheeks. "Yeah, That was me. Did it bother you?" She asked me and I could see she seemed worried. "No, its not that. The song I've never heard it before." I told her and sighed. "That's cuz I wrote it. Did you like it? Nathan showed me to play the guitar. He thinks I stopped playing but I never did." She said her eyes clouding over as she spoke.

Lilly's POV

I could feel my voice cracking at the end for some reason but Jacoby or Jake as he preffered to be called didn't seem to notice. "It sounded great. Can I hear it? The complete song I mean." He asked me and I nodded. "Sure." I said leading him inside while leaving the door open. I played him the song and he seemed to be guinuinly pleased by it. When I had finished singing it he asked me to let him try the song out.

I showed him the cord and the lyrics and he began playing. After the third time he played the song he layed the guitar down. "You wrote that?" He asked me again surprised and I giggled. "Yea, that was me." I said smiling and he looked at me a glint of something in his eyes. Perhaps it was wonder I thought as he spoke again.

"How would you feel about selling the song to us?"











Ok. Yes, yes I know I've been taking forever to update the story and I'm sorry for keeping all my loyal readers waiting but I'm back. I do have a life and problems and stuff so yea anyway what do you think of this chapter? What do you think she'll say or rather what do you think she should say? This chapter might be a bit on the short side but...hey, I updated, right?








This comment is for certain people and not a general statement about my readers!!!

So I've had some comments/messages about my story being confusing and yea I see your point but there is also something important that your forgetting. It is my story and it makes sense to me so if it doesn't make sense to you then I'm sorry but I don't know what to tell you. Maybe read it slower or perhaps re-reading it would help clarify a few things up? Other than MAJOR editing for the story I'm not changing anything. Like my profile says I'm all over the place and my multiple stories clearly show it as well as my random updates. So enough about me you guys I do appreciate every comment, every message, every vote, every like and share. I do read every comment and message you guys send me even though I don't answer them all. VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE








Ok I forgot....the song is NOT LISTENING By PAPA ROACH. Again if its short I'm sorry. ENJOY!

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