Jaces POV
I quickly go over to the institute. I can't stop thinking about clary. What is happening to her right now? Has she already been hurt? I'm so worried about her.

When I get here I get out of the car and run up the steps and to the library. I bust through the door. I see Alec, Maryse, Jocelyn, Luke, Isabelle, jem, and Tessa all in here quiet.

"How are we going to get her back?" I say. "I don't know but we will figure out something. You have the necklace" Alec says. I pull the necklace out of my pocket. Jocelyn and Luke look the most worried beside me. Alec takes it and calls Magnus. "Hey Magnus we need you here right now!" "Okay he is on his way."

The next thing I know there is a portal in the middle of the library with Magnus coming through. "What happened" he asks. We will him about clary getting kidnapped. "She's gone?! I thought you were going to stay with her?" " Well I was but I was called here from the clave. While I was here that's when she was taken. If you want to blame anyone for her missing blame the clave" I say. "Oh I do. What did you guys call me here for?" Alec is the one to talk this time. "We need you to try and track her." He hands her the necklace. Magnus tries it and says "there is a block wherever she is." "I told you" I say. Suddenly there is a fire message that appears. Jem catches it and reads, "it says 'I have your precious clary. She is still alive. The other person I need is Tessa Carstairs. You have seen from clary that I will take her by force if needed. Send her alone to Central Park tonight. If she is not there I will get her eventually." We all look at Tessa. She is sitting next to jem. Her eyes are closed. "Tessa you have to stay here" Jocelyn says. Luke and everyone nods except Maryse. "We have to turn her in" she says. "What do you mean" Luke says angrily. "I mean exactly what I said. We have to turn her in. He will come either way and take her. I cannot put all of you in danger." "I am not turning Tessa in! You were not there with mortmain, you did not see the automatons and what all his plan was. Unfortunately at the time I was too sick to protect her properly. I'm am well now and I will protect her" jem says angry.

Maryse now looks aggravated. "Jace, I think now is the best time than ever to show them what you showed me, Alec, clary, and Simon after you came back." I realize Isabelle is talking about my wings and powers. Alec's eyes get big. "But izzy we all pomised we wouldn't say anything" Alec says. "Alec we have no choice. He's the best one to be able to get her back if we even can" she argues. I sigh and say "I guess you are right."

Everyone looks so confused at what we are talking about. I take off my shirt and bring out my large grey wings. Their eyes go wide. "Any more suprises" Jocelyn asks. "I have three powers as well. Not like Magnus'. I have wind, water, and animal shape shifting." "Cool" Luke says "I want to see." I build up the rage I have had since I found out clary was missing, that the guy wants Tessa, and that Maryse wants to turn Tessa in. "Sure" I say. I turn to Maryse and blow her into the wall. She slams against it and slumps down. She is staring at me in shock. Luckily there is a cup of water in Alec's hands I take the water out and angrily splash it against her. I turn into a tiger. I walk over and sit on top of Maryse. "Ugh jace. What was all that for?" She says still struggling. Everyone in the room starts laughing. I just stay on top of her. "Okay jace" Isabelle says. I walk over to her and change back into myself. "Blowing you against the wall was for agreeing with the clave when they wanted us to turn clary in. The water was because you wanted to turn Tessa in. Siting on you was because I wanted too" I say looking at Maryse. She is now up and looking at me. Everyone laughs again. "Can you just do tigers or other animals?" Jem asks me. " I can do any animal." "Cool" Luke says "do a wolf." I laugh and turn into a grey wolf.

"That's so cool dude" Luke says

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"That's so cool dude" Luke says. They all nod looking impressed. I turn back. "So can you actually use those wings?" Jocelyn asks me. "Yeah" I say and fly in the air. I blow the door open and go out of the library. I go nand grab a seraph blade. I fly back to the library and give it to alec.

I fold my wings. "We have to save clary" I say. "And we will jace" Jocelyn says. "You all talk and try to figure out how. I am going to go around town and see if I can find anything at all" I say. I change into a cheetah.

"Be careful" Isabelle says and squats down

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"Be careful" Isabelle says and squats down. She looks into my eyes and puts her arms around my neck. "I can't stand to loose you too" she whispers. "Can you just stay here with us please? We know you want to find her, we all do" Alec says. I nod my head and lie down. I look at all of them. I'm not in the mood to change back. They argue for hours about how we are going to find clary and get her back. This is so boring. I get up and walk over to the door. I push it open and walk out. I don't think they noticed I left. I don't know where I am going but I have to look for her.

It is dark outside. I leave the institute and start running. I run down Times Square for 3 hours. I don't find anything. I won't go back to her house. Poor clary, sick with a fever and the flu and is now kidnapped. Who knows what they are doing to her and I am powerless to help. It is killing me.

I get to the institute and see Isabelle sitting on the steps with her head in her hands. I stop and look at her. She looks up and me and pats the step next to her. I come and sit next to her. "Did you find anything" she asks. I just shake my head. She looks sad. "When I was talking to her earlier she had thrown up her breakfast. She wasn't feeling good. I can't help but worry about her too. I feel bad for her. Being sick and not able to stop it or rest and whatever they are doing to her" she says. We look at each other with sad eyes. We stand up and go inside. I change back when I am in the elevator. "I feel the same way" I say.

We get out of the elevator and head towards our rooms. "Luke and Jocelyn left and so did jem and Tessa" she says. I say "I'm going to call it a night. I'm going to keep looking for her tomorrow" I say and she says "I will come with you tomorrow." I nod and go into my bedroom. I go to sleep.

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