A day with jace

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He rolls his eyes and stand up and walks over to a tree. He pulls out a long black box out of a little hole in the tree. I take the box and open it it is a long necklace with a pearl and the angelic rune under the pearl. I gasp and say "oh jace! It's beautiful. I love it! It must have cost a fortune." "You deserve it" he says and takes it from my hands and puts it around my neck. He sits next to me on the grass. He says something in French and I ask him "what does that mean?" He laughs and says "it means I love you clary." "Oh, then I love you more Jace!"

He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back. When we pull away I laugh. "I'm so glad you are back jace. I can't say it enough how much I missed you." "I'm sure you did. I missed you too." "No you didn't. I'm sure of it. You met your parents, you had an angel, you had everything." "No I didn't. I didn't have you. I would look down at you, Alec, and izzy. They would both be smiling. You rarely did. I missed seeing your beautiful smile, seeing your eyes light up. I'm happy to have that back." Wow. "Your perfect jace. How did I get so lucky to have such a hot and perfect boyfriend like you? I don't want anyone or anything else. I love you." We hang out at the small spot he made for me for a little while longer.

He kisses me then says "we should go it's already almost-" he looks at his watch and says "almost 4.30." Wow. We have been gone that long. We stand up and walk to biscuit and cookie. We get on and start walking through the woods. "I forgot to tell you, I'm getting a personal assistant." "Why do you need a personal assistant?" "I don't know. But I was told on my schedule that I am meeting her at 2:00 in the lobby of he hotel after we get there." "How do you know it's going to be a girl? It could be a guy" he says with a smirk. "I don't I'm just guessing" I reply. "Mhm" he says and we keep riding through the woods. We get to the fields and we canter back to where the road is.

We tie the horses back up when're we found them. "Their owner will be back for them in an hour after we leave." I nod my head and we get in a cab. "This was the most perfect day of my life so far. Thank you so much jace." He smirks and says "so, I'm perfect huh" I roll my eyes and said "yes and perfect too." He smirks and says "of course I am." I lay my head on his shoulder as we ride back to the institute.

When we get to the institute we get out of the cab and hold hands as we go inside. I go up to the greenhouse where my book is. I sit down on the stairs where I was to begin with and I get a call. It's Magnus. He never calls me.

"Hey Magnus" I say. "Hey clary how are you?" "I'm perfect what's up" I say. "I heard you are going to Italy" he says. "Yeah how did you know?" "Isabelle told Alec and Alec told me. I love Italy." "I would take you with me but I am going for work. I've already asked all the people I am allowed to bring. You can come if you want but you would have to stay in a different room as us. And probably come by portal since we are taking a private plane." "Of course I want to come. It's Italy, who would pass up going to Italy. When are you going? Where are you staying?" "We leave Friday night and arrive on Saturday. We are staying at the in pezzo do casa palace hotel." "I will see you Saturday then. Bye clary." "Bye Magnus" I say and hang up.

So now Magnus is coming. I start to read my book and I get a call from my mom. "Hey mom" I answer. "Clary? Hi honey. Where are you?" "I'm at the institute" I say. "Oh good your back. I'm going to come pick you up. I will be there in 15 minutes" she says. "Okay mom see you later" I say and hang up. I mark my spot and walk downstairs inside the institute. So much for reading in quiet.

I see izzy in the living room sitting on the couch I sit next to her. "Clary! I haven't seen you all day how was last night and today?!" "Okay calm down. Take it down from a 10 to a 5 please. To answer your questions last night was great it was so relaxing. Tessa's house is gorgeous. Today was perfect." She looks down at my necklace and gasps. "Where did you get that necklace?" "Jace gave it to me today" I say. "It's beautiful! Where were you last night? You never came back." "Yeah, I spent the night at Tessa's house. It was past midnight and I figured everyone was asleep and I didn't want to wake y'all up. We went swimming in her pool late too so I slept there and she dropped me off here this morning and I left with Jace at lunch time." "Oh cool" she says. "So how was last night?" I ask. "It was great. We had a lot of fun. We went to the dance then to Waffle House afterwards. It was great." "That sounds like fun. I love Waffle House especially when you go at night." We both laugh. My mom texts me and lets me know she is here waiting outside in the car. "My mom is here to pick me up. I have to go izzy I will see you Monday. Start packing for Italy in a few days." "Okay I will. Bye clary" she says and gives me a hug before I leave the institute.
I see my mom sitting in her car outside and I get in. "Hey clary. Tell me all about last night. What did y'all do?" "Me and Tessa? First we went to hamburger joes for dinner. After that we went to see a movie. After that we went and got a pedicure. It was so relaxing. I really needed it. Then after our pedicures we went to get froyo at a place near her house. After the froyo we went to her house and swam in her pool. Her house is gorgeous. You wouldn't believe it. I spent the night there and she dropped me off at the institute this morning after breakfast" I say telling all about last night. "That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm glad you got to do that last night. What did you do today? I know you said you were spending the day with Jace, is there something I should know about?" How do I tell her without telling her of jaces powers? "I promise we didn't do anything like that mom. Well I got dropped off at 10:00 at the institute. At 11:00 he took me to some place called bell farms and there were two horses there. They were beautiful mom. We rode the horses for a while. Then we went to a place in the woods. This place was so pretty. There was grass, a long and a small waterfall and a small pond. We hung out there for a while and talked about Italy and other things." She is still driving but she looks over at me and sees my necklace.

"Where did you get your necklace?" She asks. "Jace gave it to me today" I say. "It's so pretty." "Thanks" I say. "I'm glad you had fun last night and today. You need to start packing for Italy soon." "I know I will probably start doing that tomorrow."

We pull up to our apartment. I walk in and remember I forgot to bring that copy of a tale of two cities with me. I need to ask Jace to bring it with him. I walk over to the living room and sit on the couch and scroll to Jace's number. I text him and say 'hey jace, my mom picked me up and brought me home. I forgot to bring that copy of a tale of two cities with me. Can you bring it with you on Friday? Please?' He immediately text back and says 'yes beautiful. I had fun today. We should do that again sometime. I don't know why you want to bring it with you to Italy but I will bring it. We don't have to read it for school for another few weeks. I love you.' I text back saying 'Thank you so much. I had fun today too. Your the best person in the world! I love you too.'

Better together (a clace fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora