As we walk off the bus there is people crowded around the bus taking pictures and I run back inside the bus. Everyone else has gone off.

I sit down on the floor of the bus. Someone comes and sits across from me. It's Jace. "Hey look at me" I look up at him "I know you didn't want all of this. It just got thrust upon you. We will here and make it to the school. I have almost every class with you. I will be right here. Isabelle and Simon haven't left you either they are waiting for you at the door for the bus." I nod my head and we stand up. We hug and I wish we could just stay here. We let go and he stays close to me. So much for Grant helping me. Some boyfriend. We walk off the bus and the cameras start flashing and people keep yelling "clary! Clary over here!" And "clary is the blond your boyfriend?" "Clary! How does it feel to have gotten such big job offers at such a young age?" I'm not that young. I look at jace and he looks at me and we both walk to the school doors.

As soon as we walk about every girl in the school comes running up to me and asks me to make their dress. I don't say anything. I take Simon's hand and we walk to French class.

I sit down and jace and Simon sit beside me. "Oh crap!" I say and Simon says "what?" "We have a test today. I don't know anything. I tried studying on my own but it's useless. And we didn't get anything done on Saturday." "Simon, just remember what I taught you Wednesday and clary,... good luck" jace says. I'm doomed. The teacher walks in and says "good morning everyone. Put your books away and pull out a pencil or pen." We all do as we are told and the tests are passed out. I do remember some of this so I shouldn't make a zero. I finish the test in 10 minutes and hand it in. I take out my sketchbook and work on the dresses for Sherri hill first because they want the most.
I finish one and the bell rings. The three of us stand up and jace says "so how do y'all think you did?" "Well, I remembered most of what you taught me so I think I did pretty good" Simon says and I say "well I'm pretty positive I didn't get a zero but still failed." We all walk to English.

I see izzy sitting down and Grant is beside her. He sees me come in and I walk over to him and he stands up. "Where were you when I was trapped in the bus?" I practically yelled. "I was walking in the school like I have to. You were doing fine." No I wasn't I was TRAPPED ON THE BUS! I had to have help. And where were you, in the school. I am so mad at him right now." "Well sorry. I thought you were fine." "Ugh" I grunt and sit down. I still can't believe he left me. I look over at Simon jace and izzy and they are trying not to laugh. "Go ahead, I don't care I know you all want to" I say and they start laughing.

Mr. Donaldson stands up from his desk and starts teaching about literature and says that we will all have to read a tale of two cities, hamlet, and the lamplighter. I've read a tale of two cities before and so have jace and izzy but I guess we can read it again. I remember jace reading it to me like it was yesterday. The thought makes me smile and apparently Jace sees me because he whispers "I remember too, I will do it again" and my smile just gets bigger. Mr. Donaldsons class drags on and on. My mind starts drifting to those dresses and I am itching to work on them. Maybe mrs. Goldson will let me work on them in art. "-and that is why literature is important in our world today. Okay everyone come get your homework off my desk." As soon as he says that the bell rings. We grab our homework and walk out into the hallway.
"That class took forever" I say and everyone nods. A couple of girls walk up to me and say "hi. Your clary right. I'm Sophie Petters and this is my friend Olivia Maters. We just wanted to know if you could make our dresses for the dance?" "I guess so. I'm charging $100 per dress" I say. "That's fine. It's so much cheaper than a normal dress too. I want a purple one" Olivia tells me and Sophie says "and I want a blue one." "Okay I will put that in the book." I say and walk over to art class.

I walk over to mrs. Goldsons desk and ask her "hey mrs. Goldson, can I work on designing some dresses for work. Please? I'm currently swamped." She thinks about this for a little bit then says "I guess so." I say thanks and walk over to a table and pull out my sketchbook and start drawing. I add some sparkles to the first and start on the second. I draw a short cut dress that flares out below the waist. I get up and walk to the cabinets and grab the colored pencils. I take them back to my seat and start coloring in the dresses.

Someone walks over and sits beside me and says "hey clary" I look over and see the quarterback for the schools football team. "Hey Josh. What's up?" "I wanted to know if you wanted to be my date for the homecoming dance?" "Is this because I got two jobs as a professional designer?" I say and he says "well yeah. I want everyone to think I'm with a cute famous person." I figured. "Well in that case.... no." He looks at me and asks "what? Why? Don't you want to go with the hottest and most popular jock in school?" "Well I would if you liked me the right way but you don't. I don't want to be used as a play toy. I know how you are Josh, you just find a girl and date them for a day or two and make them feel all special and then dump them, but I'm not being used like that. My answer is still no." He sighs and says "come on, you need someone like me. I've seen you with that scrawny blonde. I can take so much better care of you than he can. I am so much hotter and stronger too." I can't believe what I am hearing. "Excuse me?! For your information, that so called 'scrawny blond' is so much cuter than you will ever be. He could knock you out faster than you can say pineapple. He also does not use me like a play toy and have me as his girlfriend one day and leave me the next like you will." "So the answer is still no?" "Yes Josh, the answer is still no" I say. He sighs and walks away. I'm not being used.

I pull out a piece of paper and label it dress orders. I put Sophie and Olivia's names down and their dress colors. I put it in a folder and keep up with my designs. I go up to mrs. Goldsons desk and ask her "can I use my phone to look up something?" "Yes just keep it on your desk" she says and I walk to my desk and look up Sherri hill. They are very sparkly and florally. I design a long two piece dress that cut off in the middle. I put some flowered lace on the bottom. I hope they like it. I finish another one. I start on Olivia's long purple dress. I go ask mrs. Goldson if I can go to a classroom to ask someone what they want for their dress and she lets me go. I go to the library and log into my yearbook account and look up Olivia's name. I see she has history this hour. I go to the classroom and ask if I can see her for a minute. She walks in the hall and says "hey clary, what's up?" "I wanted to know about your dress. Do you want it long? Do you want it with straps or without?" She thinks for a minute then says "I have to have straps but you create the rest I know you will make it amazing!" "Thanks Olivia. I won't let you down" I say and she goes back in the classroom and I walk back to the art room. I add straps to it and a sparkles to the waist line. The bell rings and I have to put it up to finish later.
As I am walking to math I pass Grant talking to some girl. I don't think they see me so I pretend to put my stuff in my locker. I hear him say "will you go to the dance with me Christie?" "But what about your girlfriend clary?" She says in a soft voice and he just says "She means nothing to me. I promise." Really? "I mean nothing to you! Really Grant?! I thought you cared about me, but I guess I was wrong. We are done" I say and walk to class. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, crying is for mundanes and you are stronger than that.

I walk fast to math and sit down. Everyone is already in here and is looking at me. Grant walks in and says "clary, let me explain." "There's nothing to explain. You said I don't mean anything and you asked another girl. I don't want to hear anything. Just leave me alone." I say that last part harsher that I meant to. Jace looks so mad like he wants to kill someone or possibly punch a wall. I look at him and shake my dead and mouth the word 'don't'. He still looks ticked off. Mr. Velesquez stands up and starts writing equations on the board. I start writing notes down. I still can't believe Grant said that. He is such a jerk. I will stay with Jace and we will be happy, back to the way we were before he died.

I raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom and I go in there and sit on the floor and cry. I won't let Grant see he got to me. I'm stronger than that. Why am I crying over some stupid guy?

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