Sterling Silver

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"Phoenix, Addy!" Lauren called and hugged us.

I choked at Adelaide's nick name.

"Hey," I said, attempting to smile through the anxiety.

"How are things in the business world?" Lauren asked, leading us to the kitchen where the drinks were set up. Adelaide explained our most recent endeavors about Australia and Lauren nodded in interest while we mixed ourselves drinks.

I zoned out and studied the people. A guy with platinum white-blond, almost silver hair caught my eye from across the room. His eyes were a clear blue, he was lanky and fairly tall and his posture was casual. One hand was in the pocket of his black slacks, an expensive Rolex flashed on his wrist along with a few black rings on his fingers.

I was transfixed by his sharp cheekbones and sloping jawline, his perfectly proportioned lips and the black ring that adorned his fuller bottom lip. He laughed at something his friend said and a pang of electricity shot through me at the sound; deep and comforting, contagious. I smiled in spite of myself.

Lauren suddenly nudged me and raised a brow. "His name is Sterling Lance, I work with him. He's a graphic designer."

"So an artist." I mused. I could see it. He had the suave charisma of a young professional but also the spirit and aesthetic of an artsy person. With a flair of skater punk thrown in there too.

"I He's really, really nice. And hot, but I see you've already noticed that." She winked.

"No way is someone that hot straight." I blushed.

"He is." She assured me. "I should introduce you two."

"Er, sure. Why not?" I checked my reflection in the microwave glass and touched up my hair.

"Go get 'em, tiger." Adelaide said. I scoffed; what was I doing?! This was not in the plan.

Lauren lead me through the crowd and we approached Sterling, who smiled kindly once spotting us.

"Sterling, this is Phoenix Barrow. Nix, Sterling."

"Hi." I said, extending my hand. He inclined his head and shook my hand.

"Adelaide is waiting for me so I'll just..." Lauren awkwardly left us alone and I chuckled nervously.

"So are you enjoying the party?" He asked easily, as if nothing had happened.

"Yeah, it's great to relax for once. Get out of the office for a while."

"Where do you work?" He asked. His accent was that beautiful posh accent where every syllable was crisply pronounced...what was that called? Received pronunciation or something?

"Um, I work at Vivienne Westwood as a designer."

His eyebrows went up. "Really? Marvelous. I've done a fair bit of work for them in the past when I was a freelancer right out of college."

"No kidding? What stopped you freelancing?"

Sterling shrugged and ran a hand through his hair, brushing it back though a few uneven strands fell carelessly into his face. "I got hired at the company I'm at now and it was too good to pass up."

"What exactly do you do?" I asked.

"Well, nowadays usually I'm helping with designing covers for magazines or spending hours on Photoshop. I don't get to draw as much as I use to, but I just do that in my spare time. When I get it."

We chuckled and I couldn't help but breathe in his scent- definitely some Clive Christian going on there.

We talked more, ending up out on the small balcony in the back. The old streetlights illuminated the angular outline of Sterling's features and I couldn't deny myself how attractive he was. His smile was bright and seemed to take over his entire face. He leaned casually against the railing, in a confident but careless manner, running a hand through his hair every so often, though it never seemed to stay in one place.

Before I knew it my head was buzzing from the alcohol and it was past midnight. A few people had left but the party was mostly still going strong.

I cleared my throat and looked back inside. "Oh, God. I've totally ditched my friend...I should probably go find her."

Sterling inclined his head, a twinkle in his stunning eyes. "And if you don't find her?"

I felt the heat pool in my cheeks. "Well, I know she's around and...I have to work tomorrow."

"On a Sunday?"

"Yeah. The world of fashion never stops, unfortunately."

I went to go but Sterling's voice stopped me. "Well, could I have your number?"

Oh no. What do I say?!

My heart thudded but I found myself facing him. "Sure...why not?"

He smiled and handed me his cell to punch my number in to.

"It was great getting to know you." He said.

"You as well. I'll see you around."

I disappeared back inside, a stupid, childish grin on my lips as I searched around for Adelaide. Surprisingly enough she was still on her feet and only looked slightly flushed.

I grabbed her elbow and towed her away from a dark skinned girl she was talking with.

"Ooohhh my God," I said, pulling her aside into the hallway.

"What what what?" Adelaide asked, carefully trying not to spill her drink.

I told her about Sterling and him asking for my number, and by the end of it Adelaide was pink from excitement. "You go, girl! He's gonna be sliding into those DMs by tomorrow, I know it."

"You get more American the more drunk you are." I snorted. "You need to crash here tonight."

"What about you?" She asked.

I glanced down. "No, I'll be fine. I need to go home anyway. Getting ready for Australia is going to take up lots of time."

"If you change your mind, you know where I am."

"Yep, I'll know where to find you." I hugged her, tracked down Lauren, and said goodnight to her as well before hailing a cab. 

(Well well well, Mr. Lance, we meet at last ;)

I've been waiting to introduce him for literally weeks! Thoughts?

 Also, have any of you heard Fall Out Boy's new song?!?!? IT FUCKED ME UP IT'S SO GOOD.

Anywhore. Vote, comment, share, all that!!


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