The Inbetween Times

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He always drove too fast. He drove drunk too many times. He would think he wouldn’t get sunburned every time he went outside. Of course, he would always get burned before he tanned and would complain about it.


“Oh, my god.” I sighed, head pounding. In 8 days I would be graduating. Again. And I didn’t plan on doing this whole college thing ever again.

All there was left to do was turn in this final project and thesis and then I was done.

 I pushed aside my notebooks and pulled up my email, where acceptance letters from three different fashion lines sat in front of me. Westwood, Armani, Klein. Honestly, it was a pretty simple choice; if Vivian Westwood wanted me then they would have me. I printed out the forms and spent the next twenty minutes signing this, reading over that, and then did this thing called ‘faxing,’ to send the forms back.

There. It was done. I now had a job at one of my favorite designers and things were looking up.

Now came time to find a place in New York.

I bit my lip, Tommy’s words from a few days ago floated back to me, as they so often did since then. He didn’t want me to leave. Not because he didn’t think I couldn’t handle it, but he’d miss me. Like, a lot. I didn’t understand it and his little confession was, quite frankly, a bit shocking. And somehow unbelievable.

My phone vibrated and pulled from my thoughts, revealing an invite to a group chat from Casey. I accepted and waited to see what she had to say, noticing that Jasmin and a girl named Lydia, whom I knew only slightly, were also present.

ClassAktCasey14>okay girls; grad party ideas Go.

RemixPhoenix12>wait what? When was this decided?

JasminCole>did that guy from your elect ask you?


LydiaRacer> omg he totally did.

ClassAktCasey14> okay okay, maybe he did. But seriously. Ideas.

RemixPhoenix12> no clue. this isn’t highschool.

LydiaRacer>didn’t you have a grad party for HS and when you graduated college the first time?

I stared sadly at the screen. I had had a party with Paris and a couple of my ‘friends,’and we went out for the night.

That was when I’d sworn off alcohol.

RemixPhoenix12>not really. my HS grad party was pretty lame. or so I heard; I wasn’t invited.

ClassAktCasey14> that sucks. I’m sorry.

RemixPhoenix12> meh. Idc.

LydiaRacer>well, you’re going to this one.

I laughed. Maybe celebrating this time around wasn’t such a band idea. It could get my mind off of things.

I added my thoughts to the group then said goodbye.

 The next hour was spent apartment hunting in mid-Manhattan, which only yielded a few possibilities but no concrete results. I knew how much I was going to be receiving on my paycheck every two weeks, and with some careful planning beforehand I decided that I could afford a nice studio apartment six blocks from the warehouse. Thank God I would be working in a place where combat boots were acceptable because there was no way in hell I would be walking that far in heels.

Why was this freaking me out so much? I had moved out to L.A by myself when I was like 23! I built a life for myself from nothing and worked for every single thing I now possessed. I could do this. Even though for the past year I had gotten used to always have Adam to fall back on. But no more.

I filled out a rental application for a nice, industrial style one-bedroom on the third floor of an upper-class complex. No need for me to feel bad about my goals and dreams. I could do whatever I wanted; could accomplish anything.

A new chapter in my life had begun.

(Sorry this is short, guys! I've been sick and not feeling very creative :/

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