A Glambert's Story

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A Glambert’s POV

Blog Post

You guys. I saw him. Today. I saw HIM. Living in Los Angeles I see famous stars all the time, and plenty of singers, but never him. All these years and I have never once spotted him.

Until today.

Honestly, at this point I was beginning to give up hope that I would EVER see Adam, but then you, my wonderful followers gave me a virtual bitch slap and told me shut the fuck up and not to lose hope. So I kept my chin up.


So, I’ll preface this by saying right now that I ship Aix. Always have, always will, and I know many of you got pissed once he and Nix started dating, and just wanted them to remain friends, but c’mon guys; it’s Adam. If we love him we should be happy for him, no matter what.

So, enough of that, on to the good stuff.

I was coming out of the Starbucks that’s on my corner, laptop in my bag, earbuds in, the usual deal. I wasn’t expecting it.

It was this gorgeous black car, a Mustang, that caught my eye. And obviously, every Glambert has an automatic response when seeing a Mustang, so I got needlessly excited. Or so I thought.

The Mustang stopped and managed to parallel park on the curb right in front of me-skillzzz.

And then he got out. Tall, dress in black ripped jeans, boots, and a loose t-shirt, sunglasses on, grinning like a madman.

At this point, I was frozen; not sure if I was really seeing what I was seeing. I turned off my music and took out an earbud-if Adam was talking there was no way I was going to miss hearing his voice in person.

Adam walked around to the other side of the car and opened the door to reveal her. God, you guys, Nix is even more gorgeous in person-it’s insane. Um, hair goals, anyone?

So, she’s laughing and takes his hand and he pulls her to the sidewalk, feeds the meter and then they start walking RIGHT TOWARDS ME. I’m FREAKING out, obviously. I’m just standing there- this awkward teenager in three-day old jeans and dirty Kicks, my hair nowhere NEAR the standards Nix has. They’re holding hands, Adam starts to say something but can’t even finish his sentence before he is laughing hysterically, they’re tripping over each other.

Someone runs into me from behind and snaps at me to move, and I could only trip forward. I was terrified to go any closer but I couldn’t look away. You guys who have met Adam, you guys are sooo lucky. All the things I write about were going through my head; the questions I had always wanted to ask him, things to tell him, things I wondered about him. Is he really that tall? What does he smell like? His laugh actually loud? Who is he when the cameras aren’t around?

Of course, only those closest to him will ever know this, but in this setting it was as close to that as I will ever get, so I wanted to learn just a few things. Not to mention Nix. I wanted to know more about her, too.

Now they’re just yards away and I still haven’t moved, I’m start to panic; I have this one and only chance and I have no clue what to do! Adam looks like a giddy teen boy who can’t believe he’s got the most popular girl at school. Guys, he’s so smitten. He worships her, it’s so clear. She’s his world, even the way he stands and moves around her is beautiful. He’s this wolf-loving, protective, but he makes it very clear that she is his.  Not in the Edward Cullen way, in the way that someone who loves someone else should. He would take a bullet for he, happily. Adam put his arm Nix’s waist and they’re getting nearer with every step.

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