Simon's Problems

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Simon took a deep breath of the wonderful spring air as he walked out outside. No more classes this year; it was a strange thing to wrap his head around. Simon was glad he'd come back to this university for his second year. He'd found a new friend in Jordan, kept up with old friends, and enjoyed the familiar feel of the school. His only school related problem at this point was choosing a major. Simon had thought about majoring in something musical, but how was he supposed to get a job with that after grad? It wasn't like rockstar was an actual career option with a great chance of success, right? Beside, even if it was, being good enough to play in his mom's garage, and being good enough to do it for a living were two very different things. Simon was going to keep music as his hobby. It was best this way, since he worried that if music ever became job like, he'd end up resenting it. To try and solve this problem, Simon had taken some of those 'what should I major in' online quizzes, but to no avail. The only ones that didn't give him ridiculous ideas, had told him to go into human resources, but Simon wasn't so sure about that. He technically didn't have to declare until the beginning of next year, right? So in theory, he had all summer to dither. Which was kinda of how Simon thought about his exams. He had three whole days before his first exam, and Simon fully intended to spend at least one of them slacking off, and in no way studying.

Entering the dorm building, Simon walked down the halls until he reached his room. Moving past the door, Simon collapsed on his bed, reveling in his peaceful class-free moment. Half done University... at least once the exams were over, but he couldn't fail any of his courses, even if he didn't turn up for the exam, so he wasn't going to worry. Of course, if he did not show up or study for his exams, his marks would suck, but that was beside the point.

Rolling over, Simon looked up at the ceiling. He missed Izzy, though he knew he'd done the right thing in breaking off their arrangement. He'd learnt his lesson. How did the saying go; fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. He wasn't going to fall in love with another woman who couldn't love him back. Simon knew his limits, and that was one of them. He couldn't do it again. If all Izzy could offer was friends with benefits, then Simon couldn't have any of it.

The one great thing that had come of his realizing he liked Isabelle as more than a friend, was being able to spend time with Clary again. He'd thought a lot about it after breaking things off with Izzy, and realized that thanks to her, he had more emotional distance from his failed previous relationship, and had been able to see her without pain. Counting Clary among his friends again was wonderful.

Simon heard the door open and close, but he didn't sit up to look who it was. The sound of a school bag falling to the floor made him sure it was Jordan.

"Hey," his roommate's voice double, confirmed his presence.

"Hi," Simon replied, lifting his hand to wave in the general direction that Jordan's voice had come from.

"What are your plans for summer break?" Jordan asked.

"Maybe get a job. Maybe slack off at home," Simon did his best to shrug while laying on his back in bed. "Not sure. Mom wants me home, but I'm thinking, cooling my heels in my home town for four months is gonna be boring. Why, what are your plans?"

"No clue," Jordan groaned. "I can't afford rent without a roommate, and I can't stay in dorms."

"Why don't you just go home for the summer?" Simon asked.

"Not an option," Jordan said, with a sigh. Simon heard the desk chair move, and assumed Jordan had sat down.

"Would it be nosy of me to ask why?" Simon replied, still staring at the ceiling.

"Yes," Jordan said. "But it's okay. I don't mind telling you." He paused, taking a deep breath then continued. "See, I might be at this school against my parents wishes, and by might, I mean I am."

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