Ch48: Clary's Insecurity

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When they reached Clary's dorm room, she'd been right. Helen wasn't home.

"See we have the whole place to ourselves," Clary said smiling. Jace wasted no time, taking the opportunity to hold her head in both of his hands, he kissed her. Clary returned the kiss with enthusiasm, knotting her hands in her boyfriend's hair.

"No grumpy Alec here either," Jace whispered. Clary giggled. There was something about the way Jace looked at her that made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Sometimes she'd blush just from him looking at her. "I've missed you."

"You saw me the day before yesterday," Clary scolded, though she loved that he could miss her so easily.

"Too long," Jace sniggered as their make out session made it to the bed. Clary worked quickly, getting at the fastenings of Jace's pants, trying not the break their kiss. Jace's hands in turn, were unclasping her bra, and it didn't take long for all their clothes to become scattered around the bed. The cold air made her shiver, and Jace threw the blankets over them. Clary grinned as his lips returned to hers.

It was then that the door flew open. Clary's first reaction was to pull at the blankets, and make sure she was covered. Jace had no such response. His bottom half was just barely covered, the curve of his hip visible. It was only then that Clary looked up to see who had interrupted them.

"Ah," Helen said clearly amused. Clary noticed her eyes move over Jace's chest and across his hips where they met the blanket. "Don't mind me." Clary buried her bright red face in Jace's shoulder as she heard her roommate move about the room, clearly looking for something. Clary heard Helen's little 'ah ha' as she found whatever it was, but she could also hear her roommate sniggering. Then soft footfalls before the door closed again.

"No sock on the door," Jace laughed once Helen was gone.

"Huh?" Clary had no idea what socks had to do with any of this.

"Nevermind," Jace laughed as he pulled Clary in closer and kissed her again. Clary quickly forgot about socks, and well about everything, as she returned the kiss. Helen wasn't here anymore, and she wasn't going to let the interruption ruin the mood, or rather Jace wasn't.

"Hmmm," she hummed. "You turn my brain off when you do that."

"That so," Jace laughed.

"Ah uh," Clary mumbled. Then Jace turned so his weight was on his elbows, leaning over her, kissing her jawline and her neck. Clary bent her head to invite him to continue, enjoying the feel of his lips on her skin. Being with Jace was like being worshiped, and Clary could never get enough.

Sometimes she worried that one day Jace would wake up, and whatever crazy rose tinted glasses that made him want her would be gone. At the moment though, she couldn't worry about much of anything, as his hands slowly moved down her skin leaving behind a tingling sensation. All she did was lay there, trying to process every wonderful thing he was doing to her. His mouth moved down, kissing her hips, then her inner thigh. Clary's breathing was becoming very erratic as Jace's hands joined his mouth. Her heart pounding, Clary could feel all the blood in her body rushing downward. She'd thought that was just for guys, but boy had she been wrong.

Clary had googled 'what does an orgsam feel like after her first time with Jace, but it hadn't helped much. The moment when Jace's fingers went inside her, her toes curled, and she suddenly knew exactly what an orgsam felt like.

"Jace," she gasped.

"At your service," Jace grinned. Clary sat up, seizing his lips in a desperate kiss, muttering 'condom' to him as she did so. There were perks to having a sexually experienced boyfriend - Clary thought to herself - as Jace managed to get the thing on without breaking their kiss. She knew he'd succeeded when his hands held her waist again, moving slowly up to cradle her breasts. His fingers teased her nipples as she wrapped her legs tightly around him, feeling his erection touch her just shy of where she wanted it.

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