Ch205: Simon's Party

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The wedding was tomorrow and Simon had to confess he was a bit overwhelmed. The one bright light on his horizon was that he'd found out his honeymoon wasn't gonna be a two week trip like he'd assumed but rather a four month vacation. He only had to endure his entire family and every in-law under the sun for another forty eight hours before his escape to the tropics with his soulmate.

The Lightwoods, of course, had rented out an entire condo for the week while his sister and mother had opted to stay with them. Izzy had promptly vetoed that plan and instead put them up in a nice hotel. Elaine and Rebecca had protested about having Izzy pay for their hotel at first but eventually succumbed to Isabelle's will. If he recalled correctly Izzy's argument had gone something like this:

"You were planning on sleeping for free in our living room on a blow up mattress were you not? So we were already paying your accommodation via our own rent. This will just be a last minute stress reduction adjustment."

After that even Elaine had given in. Beautiful, rich and completely in love with him. There really was no downside to Isabelle Lightwood. Simon knew exactly how lucky he was and he planned to show her just how much he loved her every day for the rest of his life.

The incident with the prenup had been a bit more dramatic than the sleeping arrangements, though only slightly. Izzy had been far more upset than Simon. As far as he was concerned it made perfect sense. Kinda like buying insurance or writing a will. You were probably never gonna need them but being an adult meant a certain amount of planning for disaster. Simon loved Izzy all the more for her being upset on his behalf even if he quickly scooped her into his arms and assured her it was all fine.

When he'd taken the time to read the prenup Simon had actually felt his jaw drop. Sure signing this meant that if he divorced her he wouldn't own half of all the Lighwood holdings but they weren't given him nothing either. It actually looked rather generous to his eyes though the terms did get worse in the event of infidelity on his side. The idea almost made Simon laugh. Isabelle was the only woman he'd ever slept with and she'd be the last woman he ever slept with. The idea didn't phase him in the least. It didn't matter that Izzy had been with so many others before him while he'd just been with her. All that mattered was how much they loved each other right here, right now.

Simon remembered asking Magnus about his prenup when he'd gotten a chance and found it to be much the same.

"Alec made such a fuss," Magnus had chuckled. "Bless him."

"Izzy got pretty huffy too," Simon had grinned back.

"Did Maryse suggest you change your name?" Magnus asked.

"No," Simon replied.

"Then I win," Magnus laughed. "Magnus Lightwood. Can you imagine it?" His tone and laughter had made it sound like the most ludicrous idea ever.

Simon had spent the rest of that evening eternally grateful that his future in-laws hadn't asked him to change his surname. He couldn't help but wonder though when it came time what they'd want a kids surname to be. Simon had decided it was a problem for later.

Right now he had to deal with Jace. Since getting back together with Clary, Jace had been deliriously happy. In fact, he'd been down right bubbly. Simon had to admit it was a bit disconcerting. The guy just kept smiling all the time. Jace was in fact too happy to listen to anything Simon was saying.

"But I don't want a bachelor party," Simon repeated himself.

"Of course you do," Jace grinned back. "And it's starting now so come on!" Once again Jace tried to pull Simon by the arm out the front door.

"I just got back from the rehearsal dinner," Simon whined. "It's been a long day. I just want to sleep."

"It's 6pm!" Jace exclaimed.

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