Ch154: Magnus's Concern

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"That doesn't sound like any fun," Alec whined.

"Life isn't always about fun," Magnus replied calmly.

"But this is our only day off together for the whole week!" Alec continued.

"Which is why now is the only time available," Magnus countered. "Especially since I believe Clary said she was coming over later."

Alec groaned, and Magnus knew he'd finally won. Magnus had been trying to get his husband to sit down and talk about their finances for what felt like eons.

"I still don't see why I need to know this stuff," Alec grumbled as he sat down at the dining room table.

"I love you, but sometimes you are such a spoiled brat," Magnus sighed.

"Hey," Alec grumbled. "I have a job now. I've cleaned out super gross chicken rotisserie ovens. Doesn't that make me less spoiled?"

"In theory, yes," Magnus replied. "Though reality would seem to disagree."

"How does me being fine with just sending you half my paycheck every two weeks make me spoiled?" Alec asked.

"What if something happened to me?" Magnus replied. "What would you do? How would you make sure the rent got paid and the electricity wasn't cut off?"

"Nothing can happen to you," Alec stated firmly, as if his statement could shape reality.

"As sweet at it is to hear that you don't believe the world would still exist without me, the reality is that if I wasn't here you would be lost," Magnus explained.

"Well duh, I knew that," Alec replied easily. "Still don't understand why your answer to this is bills."

"I didn't mean lost emotionally," Magnus sighed with a smile. "I meant financially." Despite what he was trying to achieve, Mangus always glowed a little when Alec would say things like this.

"Oh," Alec said sheepishly.

"I promise it won't take that long," Magnus offered. "And it would make me feel better."

"Well, when you put it like that," Alec smiled, before reaching forward to pull Magnus closer, kissing him on the lips.

"Anything to make you feel better," Alec grinned, planting one more kiss on his husband's cheek before turning to face the paperwork on the table.

Magnus was still grinning as he began explaining everything that Alec needed to know. "The rent is due the first of every month. That is either cash or e-transfer. This is the email information. Usually I text the landlord the security question answer, changing it every time. Both our phone bills come automatically off my credit card which should be paid off in full every couple months or so with at least minimum payments made every two weeks. The internet bill we pay directly as a payee on the online banking. Passwords and accounts are listed here. The utility bill for this apartment is included in our rent so you don't have to worry about it, but if we ever rent somewhere else that might be separate. We have renters insurance, but it's paid by the year so that's been taken care of until next January."

Magnus stopped talking for a moment and turned to look at Alec's face. His eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open as he gazed at all the accounts, passwords and bills in front of him. He looked confused, or perhaps surprised.

"What's with the face?" Magnus asked. "Am I going too fast? I could make a cheat sheet for you if you like so you have something to refer to."

"I can't believe you've been doing all this and I didn't know," Alec said in awe. "It's all so complicated and time sensitive."

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